high 显示所有例句 adj. 从底到顶from bottom to top 1. 高的measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top 2. 有某高度的used to talk about the distance that sth measures from the bottom to the top 离地面远far above ground
adj. successful,dynamic,driven,go-getting,ambitious 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 high-powered 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 有权势的;精力旺盛的having a lot of power and influence; full of energy 2. 重要的;责任重大的important; with a lot of responsibility ...
首先,我们来看“high”。这是一个非常常用的形容词,用来描述物体、地点或抽象概念的高度。例如,我们可以说“The mountain is very high.”(这座山很高。)或者“Her hopes are high.”(她的希望很高。)此外,“high”还可以用来形容声音、情绪、地位等,表示它们的高水平或高状态。接下来,我们来看“hight...
The meaning of HIGH is rising or extending upward a great distance : taller than average, usual, or expected. How to use high in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of High.
1. 我好兴奋 = 我好high?“好high”可以说是我们经常用的口头禅了,无论是在派对上还是演唱会上,只要是在氛围愉悦,让人很开心、很兴奋的情况下,我们几乎都会用到它。但“high”在英文中,其实有on drugs(吸毒)的意味,所以“我好high”可以说是表示“I'm on drugs”的意思。
high在音响中的意思high在音响中的意思 在音响设备或音乐播放系统中,“high”一词常被用于描述与声音频率相关的高频部分。这一术语通常指向声音频谱中较高频率的范围,具体指代2000赫兹至20000赫兹的声波区间。高频部分对声音的清晰度、细节表现力具有决定性作用,例如小提琴的泛音、三角铁的敲击声、人声中的齿音等元素...
班上两位同学讨论为什么“我很高”不能说I'm high,只能说I'm tall,一个同学就说因为I'm high是“我很嗨”的意思。 high和tall都是“高”,但形容人、动物、植物高时,要用tall而不用high。 不过这句I'm high倒是让吉米老师听得胆战心惊的,...
High High High I never really read the Bible But this the kind of thing I'd pray for Your body's making me believe it You must be Victoria's biggest Secret Just being 'round you got me faded But it's feeling so amazing It's killing me but I won't fight it ...
Christopher - High