Higgs particle n (General Physics)physicsan elementary particle with zero spin and mass greater than zero, predicted to exist by electroweak theory and other gauge theories, discovered in 2012. Also called:God particle(informal) [C20: named after PeterHiggs(born 1929), British theoretical physicist...
10 years after the discovery of the Higgs boson, physicists still can't get enough of the 'God particle' The LHC confirmed the existence of the Higgs field and the mechanism that gives rise to mass and thus completed the standard model of particle physics — the best description we...
https://phys.org/news/2024-04-peter-higgs-god-particle-died.html https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/nobel-prize-winning-physicist-peter-higgs-of-higgs-boson-fame-dies-at-94/
one of the physicists who in 1964 first proposed the mechanism—provided a testablehypothesisfor the origin of mass in elementary particles. In popularculturethe Higgs boson is often called the “God particle,” after the title of Nobel physicistLeon Lederman’sThe God Particle: If the Universe ...
The entire physics community anticipated Tuesday that SwedishRoyal Academy of Sciences would...Achenbach, Joel
phr. 希格斯粒子希格斯粒子又称上帝粒子 (God particle),被物理学家认为是所有基本粒子的源头。 相似短语 Higgs particle phr. 希格斯粒子 希格斯粒子又称上帝粒子 (God particle),被物理学家认为是所有基本粒子的源头。 Higgs bosons 希格斯玻色子 Higgs mechanism 希格斯机制 Higgs boson 希格斯玻色子 particle ...
Add new Web site: Academia - Higgs boson - Particle of God? Emily Rodriguez Aug 18, 2023 Add new Web site: American Association for the Advancement of Science - Science in the era of the Higgs boson. Gloria Lotha Jun 22, 2023 Add new Web site: Space.com - Higgs boson: The 'God...
God Answers Science The recent discovery of the Higgs particle of 125 billion electron volts mass establishes the permeation of Higgs field in the universe. Review of Einstein's Theories of Relativity where H and [PHI] are the SM Higgs field and the SM singlet scalar field (B-L Higgs), re...
在公众传媒中,希格斯玻色子更广为人知的绰号——“上帝粒子(God Particle)”,出自物理学家利昂·莱德曼的科普书籍The God Particle。因为物理学家投入大量资源却遍寻无踪,莱德曼最初想叫它“Goddamn Particle(该死的粒子)”, 后来迫于出版商压力才改成现在的God Particle。
One of the driving hopes was that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) would have sufficient energy to generate Higgs bosons experimentally since it was more powerful than any other particle accelerators that had been built before. On July 4, 2012, physicists from the LHC announced that they found ...