Firstly, it admits a sizable radiative contribution to the Higgs boson mass m , up to ~4 GeV in the case of an IR-fixed point of the coupling Y LH 谓 and a large sneutrino mixing. Secondly, the lightest sneutrino, highly complex as expected, is a viable thermal DM candidate. Owing ...
D. Wells, "How well do we need to measure the Higgs boson mass and self-coupling?," arXiv:1305.6397 [hep-ph].Gupta R, Rzehak H, Wells J (2013) How well do we need to measure the Higgs boson mass and self-coupling? Phys Rev D 88:055024...
Here, we introduce the gauge-boson mass\(M_Z\), the electroweak mixing angle\(\theta _W\), the quark masses\(m_q\), as well as\(\beta \), which is defined via the ratio of the Higgs vacuum expectation values of the MSSM,\(\tan \beta \equiv v_u/v_d\). The charge and th...
As a consequence of this new formulation we are able to present an answer to the question: what is the origin of the mass of the Higgs boson?doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.86.063510M. NovelloE. BittencourtPhysical review D: Particles and fields...
unified gauge models-- mass formulaebosonsboundary conditionsgauge invariancescalar fieldssu-2 groupssymmetry breakingThe stability of the vacuum sets a lower bound of order αG F 1/2 on the Higgs-boson mass. For the simplest SU(2) U(1) model, this lower bound is 1.738αG F 1/2 , or...
The triviality and vacuum stability bounds on the Higgs-boson mass (m) are reexamined in the presence of weakly coupled new interactions parametrized in a model-independent way by effective operators of dimension 6. The constraints from precision tests of the standard model are taken into account...
The Higgs boson mass, the fine structure constant, the Weinberg angle, the critical exponents are estimated by polymer statistics methods. Friction forces have electroweak nature. New phase transitions by changing the even number of components of an ordering field, n, near the α - relaxation tran...
K. Petukhova, The status of Missing Mass Calculator for Higgs boson mass estimation in the ATLAS H→ττ analysis, talk given in University of Oxford (2019.10.1): 编辑于 2021-01-08 11:53 内容所属专栏 A Trivial Travelogue When you are collecting mushrooms, you onl...
Turnerexplainedthatdiscoveringamass-inducingparticle,calledtheHiggsboson,remainsthe nextbigtestfor thestandardmodel. Turner解释说,能否?发现一种叫希格斯介子(Higgsboson)的能够产生质量的微粒(mass-inducingparticle),仍然是标准模型将要面对的下一个重大考验。
2、Associated with the Higgs field is the Higgs boson. 希格斯玻色子就是随伴著希格斯场的粒子。 3、The Higgs boson creates a field that exerts a drag on certain types of particles. 希格斯玻色子对其他粒子施加了拖曳力。 4、And something similar could happen for the Higgs boson mass in the mul...