Higglytown Heroes: Created by Scott Fellows, Denis Morella, George Evelyn, Holly Huckins, Kent Redeker, Jeff Ulin. With Robert Grovich, Dee Bradley Baker, Frankie Ryan Manriquez, Liliana Mumy. Higglytown is full of everyday heroes like Mail Carrier Hero
Higglytown is full of everyday heroes like Mail Carrier Hero (Kathie Lee Gifford), Fireman Hero (Donald Faison), and Bus Driver Hero (Stuart Pankin). This inventive series taught children about their ever-growing environment in an entertaining way. ...
After a song about what to bring, with sandwiches being tops, it's discovered that there's no bread! Eubie fed it all to the birds. They need a hero. Enter the Baker. He teaches the kids how to bake bread and the picnic is saved./ Eubie and friends anxiously await a package ...