You can log in to the new platform here. Please continue reading for more information about Worldly and frequently asked questions. The tools and features you use now will still be available Higg Index: Worldly is and will continue to be the only place to access the Higg Index, which ...
创建 HTML 文件: sudo vim /var/www/ 粘贴下面内容: Simple PageIf you're seeing this in your browser then everything works. 保存并关闭文件。 3. 配置目录的所有、读写执行权限: chown-R www-data:www-data /var/www/bob.comchmod-R og-r /var/www/ 去除其他用...
码南邮CTF一道简单的sql注入题目 题目地址: 一看有源码,必须马上点击Source,真香…… 思路还是很清晰的,提交用户名参数和密码参数,拼接sql查询语句,密码的md5值和用户名对应记录的密码一致,则输出flag。显然我们也不知道username值可能是啥,sql注入实锤了,在username字段...