Higashiosaka City Government Office Observation Deck是日本东大阪市市役所,大楼顶层(22层)有一层免费的观光楼层,可居高临下观赏大阪以及与奈良相邻的生驹山脉的风景。 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 菊乃井总店 4.7 分 164条点评 ¥2000/人 日本料理 "教科书级别的京都百年料亭,尽显怀石料理真髓" 直线距离39.5km La...
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询东大阪市Higashiosaka City Government Office Observation Deck实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...
Heathrow/ 希斯罗机场 Higashiosaka/ 东大阪市 Ho Chi Minh City/ 胡志明市 ... www.eztour.com.tw|基于98个网页 2. 大阪-东大阪市 全球旅馆房价 ... 关东(神奈川县)-横滨市- YOKOHAMA 大阪-东大阪市- HIGASHIOSAKA 大阪-吹田市- SUITA ... www.chateau.com.tw|基于23个网页...
Define Higashiosaka. Higashiosaka synonyms, Higashiosaka pronunciation, Higashiosaka translation, English dictionary definition of Higashiosaka. n. a city on S Honshu, in Japan, E of Osaka. 518,000. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary,
canola flower begin to bloom along the Onchi River, which runs north-south in the eastern part of the city, creating a bright yellow carpet approximately 8 kilometers long that delights the eyes of citizens. These canola flower were sown and grown between 2004 and 2004 by the Higashiosaka C...
Higashiosaka City Hall 22nd Floor Observation Lobby603 米 本庄南公园野球场466 米 箕轮の里温泉1.83公里 ぽんぽこ温泉1.82公里 ARROW大东店2.49公里 Honjokita Park641 米 Yokomakuranishi Park613 米 Honjonishi Park447 米 Kawamata Skyland1.97公里 长田地铁站1.08公里 门真南地铁站4.32公里 伊丹机场北航站楼24...
停车服务免费 Higashiosaka City Government Office Observation Deck480 m地下铁-长田站540 m@park630 m 查看附近 查看地图 有用信息 性价比6.7 位置评分5.3 Hotel Lotus Higashiosaka -Adult Only房型选择 查看图片 淋浴设施和浴缸 1张沙发床 和 1张特大床 ...
Risa's home is not far from downtown Osaka but the area feels so different to the rest of the city. The place is around 10-15 min walk from the JR and metro stations but Risa was so kind to pick me up the day of my arrival and offered a ride to the station when I checked out...
The average room rate for Richmond Hotel Higashi Osaka in the past month is 11905.55 JPY, compared to city's average of 9665.96 JPY. What is the average rating that verified Solo travelers' have given to Richmond Hotel Higashi Osaka? Verified solo travelers that have stayed at this property ...
不论是商务还是休闲旅客,最佳客房公寓-新深江都能让您的东大阪市之行变得更加美好而难忘。布施位于距离该酒店大约400m的地方。著名的景点真田幸村公資料館、布施戎神社和幸楽寺均可步行很短距离到达。从酒店到Himekoso shrine游览很方便,本照寺和常徳寺也均在附近。酒店设有咖啡厅,您可在这里放松身心,享受贴心的...