Close your eyes, reflect on your previous efforts, and your confidence will flow. -- Keigo Higashino, After School』 #数码焕新清单#数码想法创作大赛
HigashinoKeigo •Japanesename東野圭吾(ひがしのけいご)•BornFebruary4,1958 OsakaJapan•ProfessionAuthorandscreenwriter•Hestartedwritingnovelswhilestillworkingasan engineeratNipponDensoCo.•In1985,hisfirstnovelHōkago(After-SchoolHours)wontheEdogawaRampoAward.ThenhequithisjobandstartedacareerasawriterinTokyo...
Malice is one of the bestselling--the most acclaimed--novel in Keigo Higashino's series featuring police detective Kyochiro Kaga, one of the most popular creations of the bestselling novelist in Asia. 作者简介 KEIGO HIGASHINOis the bestselling, best-known novelist in Japan and around Asia, wi...
【中商原版】东野圭吾:恶意 英文原版 英文小说 Malice: A Mystery Keigo Higashino Minotaur Books 分享 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 发货地;货源地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(47) 物流很快(17) 坚固耐用(9) 包装很好(8) 很划算(7) 中商进口商城 关注...
一眼万年的文案分享 | 『闭上眼睛,好好回想之前的努力,自信会喷涌而出。——东野圭吾《放学后》 Close your eyes, reflect on your previous efforts, and your confidence will flow. -- Keigo Higashino, After School』 #好笑段子分享#数码想法创作大赛#好书分享#创作打卡挑战赛#历史冷知识#我的2023观影随记...