Sundara-C同样采用了HIFIMAN的独门绝活「NEO超纳米振膜」,现在这项技术几乎下放到了它们家很多中端产品上,比如我现在手头上的ANANDA,以及前年听过的Arya,都采用了「NEO超纳米振膜」,它最大的优势就在于能够营造出众的声场氛围,日常听歌声音不拥挤,对比其它同价位耳机优势表现明显。 Sundara-C同样可以享受到在大名鼎鼎...
HIFIMAN SUNDARA-C被SECRETS of Home Theater and High Fidelity评选为2023最佳封闭式耳机。(HIFIMAN SUNDARA-C封闭式耳机可能是你在这样亲民的价位上能找到的最具吸引力且音质最动听的耳机之一了。它非常值得被推荐!) ps:SECRETS of Home Theater and High Fidelity是美国著名音频类杂志,创刊于1994年,是第一个在...
Build quality wise, Peacock looks and feels more expensive from any point of view. You are looking at a steel frame, wooden cups, leather earpads and headband with just two little pieces of plastic. Arya is also using a steel frame, but their cups are made out of plastic and their head...
I find the HE1000 series very comfortable, even though they are a bit larger than I would prefer. I think the old Hifiman circular design is great, like HE560 and Sundara. SPECIFICATIONS HE1000v2 Type: Open-Back Driver type: Planar magnetic ...
I mentioned that the original Sundara planar open-back headphones checked almost every box: design, sound, and build quality (except for the stock cable, which continues to be HiFiMan’s Achilles’ heel). So, of course, I was eager to get my hands on the Sundara closed-back version with...
在不少人看来,"男人家"(即HIFIMAN)在音频圈占据着举足轻重的地位,甚至是高端市场的代表,这源于其拥有行业领先的配置,听感与制造工艺.当然,高昂的产品售价也让不少音乐发烧友表示要花"吃土数月"的代价才能买得起.但如果说售价两千多元的HIFIMAN SUNDARA-C封闭式平板耳机(以下简称SUNDARA-C),也搭载了HIFIMAN万元...
The HiFiMan Edition XS are better audiophile headphones than the HiFiMan Sundara 2020. The Edition XS reproduce audio more consistently and follow our target curve slightly more closely, with a touch of added thump that listeners of bass-heavy genres like hip-hop may appreciate. However, the Su...
They are the most spoken and inquired about of numerous new HIFIMAN models to make a splash, with the possible exception of the most recent 2022 release, the Sundara Closed.“The new Edition XS expands on its predecessor’s achievements with several essential upgrades. Featuring Stealth Magnet ...
I see here it’s got the updated build. HIFIMAN can be super confusing. For instance, the Arya employs the old build of the original Edition X, and then you have the Ananda which mimics the Sundara’s build. I think HIFIMAN could stand to be a bit more organized. I THINK they’...