HIFIMAN HE1000V2 Review - Is this just a shiny ARYA 1080P, 视频播放量 989、弹幕量 2、点赞数 13、投硬币枚数 7、收藏人数 11、转发人数 4, 视频作者 大帥隨拍, 作者简介 沒事拍點我想拍的//搬點你我都喜歡的//謝謝您的支持//,相关视频:4K視頻 高端平板振膜耳機評測 -
It is time for me to honor this great headphone. Even after Hifiman has released their Stealth version, the HE1000v2 is still available. The HE1000 is special for many reasons: It was the first flagship after the HE-6, and was a radical departure. Everything was new. The HE1000 was...
虽然HIFIMAN称其为HE1000隐形磁体版,但其他人却将其命名为HE1000V2 隐形磁体版(这个名字也不能说不正确),甚至是HE1000V3。我会坚持使用HIFIMAN的名称,并在本文后面将其与V1、V2和SE进行比较。 至于其他方面,HE1000隐形磁体版采用了与以前相同的技术:这些技术包括纳米振膜、先进的非对称平面驱动器和专利的“百叶...
最后,在舒适度方面,HE1000 Stealth以其独特的优势赢得了胜利。其设计更为人性化,佩戴起来更为舒适。综上所述,Hifiman HE1000 Stealth与Warwick Bravura在各方面性能上都有所差异,各有千秋。选择哪款耳机取决于个人对音质和佩戴舒适度的具体需求。Hifiman HE1000 Stealth在舒适度方面表现出显著优势,其设计更为人...
HIFIMAN updates its popular HE1000 V2 with stealth magnets! The new HE1000 Stealth takes on the more expensive HE1000se by offering a bassier sound and being easier on the ears while retaining the same excellent comfort and fit to make for a compelling p
As a owner of the He1000v2 I was curious.. could you maybe comment with a few more words here? I would be grateful.. cheers! Hi, I felt the newer Arya Stealth is a better comparison to the HE1000 Stealth and have a comparison in that review. For what it's worth, I do fine ...
Measurements&Review of HiFiMan HM901R-V2 L7Audiolab To Be Is To Be Measured 阅读全文 赞同 48 22 条评论 分享 收藏 如何看待Hifiman新出的TWS600真无线蓝牙耳机? 鬼斧神工119 耳机等 3 个话题下的优秀答主 因为要做千元内入耳式耳机对比测评,HiFiman是一定要测的。但是看...
除了耳机本身,你还会得到一份保修卡,一份详细的用户指南,同样的可拆卸耳机线,看起来比HE1000SE和Susvara上的线更好,还有一小张纸,写着更多关于隐形磁体技术的信息,这就差不多了。 我喜欢它较短的1.5米长的耳机线,它被纺织材料(尼龙)漂亮地包裹着,非常灵活,没有接触声,感觉比他们的顶级耳机附带的线有了很大的...
I went into this review expecting that HiFiMan’s Susvaras might be just slightly better than their HE1000 V2s: maybe $500 better, but not $3001 better. I worried the Susvaras might actually be worse, placing unnatural emphasis on a few audio bandwidths to make them sound more spectacular...
The cable is… well, not exactly premium in its build. It’s quite similar to the one included with theHE6se v2, which I dubbed “[something] that reminds me of a sausage’s skin (a vegan one, with the skin that says “cheap plastic” all over the place).” The judgement is not...