最后,莱恩L2是被放置在独立的 Walker Audio's的特别机架上。以我经验机器放置在其枫树机架上可以显在...
Resolution Audio Video, your Nagra dealer in Brooklyn, NY Resolution Audio Video is your official Nagra dealer in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Don't hesitate, go and visit their showroom. Resolution Audio Video has been in busin 更多... Qobuz Playlist – New Music High-End Innovation Show 2024 New ...
Overall, Schiit is HigherEnd Audio's Tesla type Company except they are growing much faster than their supply chain ( which seems one to two years behind ) For all us Schiit owners, Schiit gear sells for 80% of New Prices on eBay, residual values are outstanding. Schiit is a Smash Suc...
data plans and hard drives is keeping many of us stuck with the compressed audio sites. There are some websites however, that offer streaming and/or downloadablelossless and lossy audiofiles for those of us with the time and money to get the high-quality music fix we crave. So I ...
I've had a mixture of F06, F10, F12, and F15 with different audio systems. In some, the old Premium Hi-Fi (what was BMW Individual Sound with Enhances Bass) was very good, especially in the F06, and terrible in the F12. B&O in F06 was better at its limits than the Premium Hi-...
Ahead of his weekly residency at theBlue Notein New York throughout the month of October, Henry appeared in multiple all-star sets at last weekend’sBrooklyn Comes Alive. Henry & The Funk Apostles are also heading out on tour for much of this fall and winter, including a highly-anticipated...