There is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the factors that ensure successful implementation. To address this issue, we have used the Analytic Hierarchy Process to prioritize 26 factors that could potentially influence the adoption of CloudIoT-based healthcare. These factors were derived from ...
[2] law [3] business law [3] courts [3] crimes and offenses [4] controlled substances [5] substance abuse [4] criminals [4] organized crime [3] law enforcement [3] law firms [3] law systems [4] constitutional law [3] legal bodies [3] legal customs and formalities [3] legal ...
While some labor union advocates contend that law ought to be conceived of as a vehicle to democratize the workplace by redistributing power in labor markets in favor of workers, while concurrently demolishing hierarchical command structures that entrench gender, race and class lines, this proposal ...
Landslides represent a major natural hazard for all countries in the world. The Rif mountains in Morocco suffer from different types of landslides. Some of
White supremacy shaped both the formation of the South African racial state and the formation of racial groups, including the creation of the Coloured category as mixed and liminal between White and Black. There are, however, debates about the continuing legacy of white supremacy in post-apartheid...
While some labor union advocates contend that law ought to be conceived of as a vehicle to democratize the workplace by redistributing power in labor markets in favor of workers, while concurrently demolishing hierarchical command structures that entrench gender, race and class lines, this proposal ...
frage discrimination on the basis of“race, color or previous condi⁃ tion of servitude”. In 1872,the old social order, based on white su⁃ premacy, returned to the South. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, which called the Progress Era, segregation became the law ...
M1 - Law by area M2 - Law by Topic M9 - Other in Law Sociology, Social Policy and Anthropology Level 1 (Subject Areas) Level 2 Level 3 Principal subjects Business Business studies N1 - Business studies Marketing N5 - Marketing Management Management studies N2 - Management studies ...
in the United States, in the 1980s, the California Office of Appropriate Technology defined a hierarchy of alternatives for the land disposal of hazardous waste [24,25]. In Japan, the Basic Law on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society of 2000 aimed at limiting the use of natural resour...
White supremacy shaped both the formation of the South African racial state and the formation of racial groups, including the creation of the Coloured category as mixed and liminal between White and Black. There are, however, debates about the continuing legacy of white supremacy in post-apartheid...