Roman nobilis or nobilitas , used to be translated into Chinese as "the new noble", is indeed the "well-known noble", because there is no sense of new in nobilis or noblitas. Three aspects are under the discussion in this paper. First, the origin of nobility. It was resulted both in...
Caesar's Legion operates in accordance with a strict military hierarchy, based on the Legions of ancient Rome. Though the bulk of Caesar's soldiers have only improvised or low-tech weapons, their discipline, ferocity, and sheer numbers dampen the impact
The nobles, those in the military class are equivalent to the middle class in today’s society. Although the noble class was below the royal class in the feudal Japan hierarchy, the people in this class were the ones ran the country in reality, making them more powerful figures. The sub ...
This monarchico-hierarchical system grew up gradually in the Latin Church by a series of usurpations of power on the part of the bishops of Rome in succeeding centuries. In the Greek Church the hierarchy is oligarchical, not monarchical, no patriarch having supreme authority over all other ...
history [4] slavery in the U.S. [3] ancient Rome [4] Roman emperors [3] ancient history [3] biographies [3] historical eras [2] human sexuality [3] homosexuality [3] pornography [3] prostitution [3] sexual issues [2] linguistics [3] descriptive linguistics [4] grammar [5] parts...
The claim of the Roman Catholic Church to be the onelegitimatecontinuation of the community established by Jesus Christ is based onapostolic succession. The idea of apostolic succession first appears inad95 in a letter ofClement, bishop ofRome, who maintained that the bishops succeeded the Apostles...
We see this form of monarchy in an exemplary way in Ancient Egypt, but also quite recently in modern Japan. In both cases, not only are the rulers descended from the gods, but they are gods themselves -- although the Emperor of Japan was un-deified after World War II. Characteristic of...
The right to choose what to give and to whom to give was in the hands of the people in a different form of government that was not like Rome. This was the Christian conflict between Rome and the true Christians. That conflict demonstrates how Modern Christians have more in common with ...
A most ancient and constant liturgical and patristic tradtion expects the bishop's primacy to be a real primacy in the Spirit, constituting him in his Church the incarnation of that holiness to which his flock is called. There is no question in this article of justifying this last assertion ...