That said, as long as you have a pre-trained (CNN) model, e.g., caffenet or tensorflow series, that can predict the 1k ILSVRC12 labels, the code also works, see the tutorial page. Having both image and label vectorized, the ZeroshotTagger class in predicts the most likely...
OOOvvveerrellraalyya y ooffo ttfhhtrrheereee ffelluufloourreoessrcceeesnncett nccthhaacnnhnnaneellnsse ((lbbslluu(beel,,u nneuu, ccnlleeuuucssle,, uHHsoo,eeHcchhossettc 33h33s33t443223;; 3gg4rr2ee;eenng,,r ...
Generative Model. RG-Flow models the probability distributionpX(x)of dataxas the pullback of a base distributionpZ(z)through the bijective transformationR:x↦z, such thatpX(x)=pZ(z)det(∂z∂x). RG Flow. The bijective transformationR:x↦zis implemented as hierarchical bijective maps ...