Slide titles are very important. First of all, they identify a slide. Secondly, they provide structure to your presentation, because anyone who usesPowerPoint’s Outline viewwill not be happy to see slides without titles, as shown inFigure 1, below. Look for the highlightedredareas–these are...
By David Rand 04 Feb 20257 mins Security podcast CSO Executive Sessions: Guardians of the Games - How to keep the Olympics and other major events cyber safe 07 Aug 202417 mins CSO and CISO CSO Executive Sessions: How should software solution providers keep themselves and their e...
NET webpage, Insert Slides with Images, Use Common Slide Template, Insert Headings in Slides Generate server side functions on asp:image click Generating and capturing 410 status Generating Custom GUID Generating Excel file for email attachment Generic Repository Patterns with Classic Generic ...
Display Powerpoint (.pptx) on Web Page Display powerpoint presentation in webform using client's PowerPoint app? Display success Message box in using c# Display Successfull Log-Out message in log-in page to user after he clicks log-out link button? Display Time and Date in...