Cast + Add Cast 15 cast members NameKnown for Greg Conrad Duke Martin Hideout in the Sun(1960) Dolores Carlos Dorothy Courtney Storm Troopers U.S.A.(1969) Earl Bauer Steve Martin Hideout in the Sun(1960) Carol Little Betty Hideout in the Sun(1960) ...
41 cast members NameKnown for Laura Morante Francesca Sainati Cherry on the Cake(2012) Rita Tushingham Paula Hardyn The Knack... and How to Get It(1965) Burt Young Muller Rocky(1976) Treat Williams Father Amy Deep Rising(1998) Yvonne Sciò ...
Whether you're a fishing enthusiast, a horse riding lover, or simply enjoy soaking up the sun on the beach, we have something for everyone. For those who enjoy the tranquility of fishing, our hotel provides excellent opportunities to cast your line and reel in the catch of the day. With...
Song: "Cast My Cares" Album: Cast My Cares Order: iTunes Album Release Date: June 4, 2013 **Song provided by Provident Music Group and is used by permission. Building 429 Song: "Get Up" Album: We Won't Be Shaken Order: Album Release Date: June 4, 2013 **Song provided...
The ROCK of Eternity(5:39) - Cast and crew talk about the details and massiveness of the Rock of Eternity set. They also discuss the importance of the location to the story and how the actors reacted to it. Costumes Make the Hero(8:23) goes over each hero's costume, starting with...
So where does a new Godzilla movie fit in a year later? Director Gareth Edwards (2010's Monsters) takes the serious approach all the way around, assembling a skilled dramatic cast and approaching the film from a disaster movie standpoint -- not in the Emmerich kind of way, but in a ...
OK, on to the special features... First Quarter: Game On(7:36) - Here, they talk about the sequel's story and it being a father and son story. The cast and crew reflect on the first film and how, with this one, they hoped to reintroduceLooney Tunesto a new generation. (1 "h...