Now, all hidden text in the document is revealed and no longer hidden.Toggle to Temporarily Show or Hide Hidden Text in Word If you just need to view the hidden text temporarily, you can use the Show/Hide button to toggle displaying or hiding all hidden text in your Word document....
將Word 配置為始終顯示或隱藏隱藏文字 如果您想永久顯示 Word 文件中的所有隱藏文本,您可以配置 Word 選項來實現此目的。 點擊文件>選項打開“Word選項”對話框。 在「Word 選項」對話方塊中,按一下顯示屏在左側欄中,然後檢查隱藏文字在選項始終在屏幕上顯示這些格式標記部分。 注意:若要永久隱藏所有隱藏文本,請取消...
This way, you can have a single document that serves to print two versions of the documents. Instead of deleting the text, hiding the text is the best option. So, if you are worried about how to hide text in Word, then this article will be of great help to you. I will take you ...
Show or hide text boundaries in Word by using Kutools Kutools for Word provides users with an easy way to show or hide text boundaries and other document content in Word. By gathering display settings in one location, Kutools allows users to quickly show or hide text boundaries and other form...
有關隱藏文件中的文字,請參閱在 Word 中的追蹤修訂。若要瞭解如何變更文字方塊框線,請參閱變更或移除文字方塊或圖案框線。 較新的版本Office 2007 按一下 SmartArt 圖形。 按一下 [設計] 索引標籤,然後按一下 [文字] 窗格。 祕訣 按一下 [文字窗格] 右上角的 [關閉],可以關閉 [文字窗格]。
显示文本窗格添加或编辑 SmartArt 图形中的文本或隐藏文本窗格,以查看更多的文档、 工作表或演示文稿,同时处理 SmartArt 图形。 选择SmartArt 图形。 提示 单击“文本”窗格右上角的“关闭”,可以关闭“文本”窗格。 单击“文本”窗格控件可以显示该窗格。
How to Hide Text in PDF without Redaction If you don't want to permanently remove the hidden text from the document using redaction, PDFelement lets you black out text with annotation tools or hide text on PDF by deleting. Without redaction, you can unhide the text whenever you want. ...
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In the Advanced tab you can link multiple optional regions to a named parameter. In the template-based document, both regions will show or hide as a unit. For example, you can show a “closeout” image and sales price text area for a sale item. You can also use the Advanced tab to...
AlwaysShowPlaceholderText AnnotationReferenceMark ApplyBreakingRules AttachedSchema AttachedTemplate AutoCaption AutoCaptions AutofitToFirstFixedWidthCell AutoFormatOverride AutoHyphenation AutomaticallySizeFormField AutomaticColorValues AutoRedefine AutoSpaceDE AutoSpaceDN AutoSpaceLikeWord95 BalanceSingleByteDoubleBy...