its units were defined by physical objects. The standard kilogram was an ingot of platinum and iridium. This ingot changed over time, as all material things must; and therefore, it was unreliable. The metric system was not completed until the kilogram found a truer, more absolute definition ba...
(资源自己翻译自wiki,imdb以及一些采访资料) 姓名:Michelle Fairley 出生年月:1964年1月17日(摩羯座) 国籍:英国 身高:5尺5寸(165cm) 体重:125磅 (57kg)(可是看起来真的很瘦啊) 出生地:北爱尔兰,阿尔斯特省,伦敦德里郡,科尔雷恩区 成长地:北爱尔兰,安特里姆郡,莫伊尔区,巴利卡斯尔 并在此地的Catholic ...
So, caravans are used to send units from town to town, which is a good thing, as being able to send them anywhere would cause serious exploitation possibilities. It wouldn't really work that well, either. So the caravan only let's you to send the units to the town nearest the armyo...