If "Holy Bible•The admonition" records: “My son, you if accepts my spoken language, saves records my order, cocks the ears listens to the wisdom, strives for intentionally intelligently, shouts strives for clearly wise, the speaker strives for intelligently, seeks it, if seeks the money;...
However, such disappointment never results when you seek hidden treasures in the Bible. Ilyen csalódás azonban sohasem jár azzal, ha a Bibliában kutatsz rejtett kincsek után. jw2019 Hidden Treasures Rejtett kincsek jw2019 This place is a hidden treasure. Ez a hely egy kincses...
A recent topic for the class was the ever-increasing LGBT influence around the globe and how we as Christians should stand firm on the Bible’s clear teachings concerning homosexuality and God’s design of man and woman, biblical marriage, etc. As part of the class curriculum I asked all o...
It is our duty to ensure the future of this ministry and to be as frugal as possible, something we have always taken seriously but even more so in this current season. Thank you for sticking with us and continuing to partner with us as we invest daily in the lives of dozens of Hondura...
In this authoritative book, Rudolf Frieling demonstrates a unique gift for uncovering these hidden treasures, and presenting them afresh. His scholarly grasp of the original Hebrew language, and his profound sense of the mystical and even occult significance of the sacred poetry makes these studies ...
添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“hidden"翻译成 威尼斯語 变形 干 The Bible explains that to “find the knowledge of God,” we must be willing to search for it “as for hidden treasures.” La Bìblia la spiega che, par trovar la “cognossensa de Dio”, gavemo de ndar in serca ...
3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 4 I am saying this so that no one may deceive you with plausible arguments. 歌罗西书 2:3–4 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB) 3 in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden. 4 I say this in order...
Trusted Bible scholar Boyd Seevers shows how to appreciate and even enjoy those difficult passages. He gives examples of the hidden treasures in some of the lesser-known sections of the Bible and then shows readers how to unlock difficult passages on their own. This book will reveal why God ...
For a true lover of mystery and crime fiction, this is truly one of the best-hidden treasures of NYC. The Very Hush Hush – Tunnels Beneath Columbia University Calling all mystery lovers. Columbia University is so much more than a place for learning and pomp. The famous university has a ...
Discover the Best Hidden Gems in Europe and get off the beaten track. Discover a unique selection of secret destinations ; real treasures are hidden in every corner of Europe.From Sirmione in Italy to Looe in UK and Adishi in Georgia, discover a selectio