Many companies have hidden messages in their logos. Companies strategically designed their logos to convey subtle messages about things like company values and products. Logos can also try to subconsciously influence buying behavior. Read on to discover the hidden messages in logos you see all the ...
Did you know that many famous companies have objects and symbols hidden inside theirlogos? This post showcases coollogo designsthat cleverly use negative space to convey subliminal messages. Via Rail Logo Canadian rail service features train tracks in the middle of their logo. LG Logo Some people...
Pinterest got its name from the physical act of pinning things to a corkboard. To hone in on that concept, the ‘P’ in the logo represents an actual pushpin, perfectly tying the whole business concept together in a simple and creative logo. Icons An icon is the main focal point of ...
When Verizon acquired AOL in 2015, they also acquired a new logo. Simpler and cleaner than before, the logo still prominently features a red check mark which Verizon sees as the “universal symbol for getting things done.” Verizon: then Verizon Verizon: then Born in 2000 with the merger o...
It’s no accident. Amazon put this there to communicate warmth and friendliness, happy shopping, and all things warm and fuzzy. Did it work for you? Oh and now that they have introduced their Amazon “smiles” campaign to donate a portion of your purchase to the needy, it works seamlessly...
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games also take inspiration from the ichimatsu pattern in their logos. Different countries, cultures, and ideologies are represented with three quadrilateral shapes. Combined, these shapes convey a message of “unity in diversity” and transform into a compositeic...
Things aren't always what they seem at first glance,and these logos prove it.Check out these 13 famous logos that you may not have realized actually have a hidden double meaning. Source: FedEx The shipping company's logo is probably one of the best-known in the world of "hidden image"...
Too many items are placed carelessly, with objects just floating mid-air when they're supposed to be "held" in a character's hand. The graphics glitch so much that it's actually laughable. Some animations break in between things that should not be passable. Clicking objects: Tricky. The ...
But here is the thing: too many companies think a logo is an afterthought, one more checkmark on a list of start-up things to do. They need help seeing the forest for the trees, focusing on design cost, not value created. Your logo is more than ink on a page or pixels on a scre...
Advertisement Nowadays, many things have a double meaning or symbolism hidden in their design/logo. This adds to the enigma of things and thus makes them a lot more catchy and attracting people to it.Wherever you look around, you can notice hidden symbolism, be it movies, billboards or com...