Map matching is to locate GPS trajectories onto the road networks, which is an important preprocessing step for many applications based on GPS trajectories. Currently, hidden Markov model is one of the most widely used methods for map matching. However, both effectiveness and efficiency of ...
Fast map matching, an algorithm integrating hidden Markov model with precomputation
novel,principledmapmatchingalgorithmthatusesaHidden MarkovModel(HMM)tofindthemostlikelyroadroute representedbyatime-stampedsequenceoflatitude/longitude pairs.TheHMMelegantlyaccountsformeasurementnoiseand thelayoutoftheroadnetwork.Wetestouralgorithmonground
The problem of matching measured latitude/longitude points to roads is becoming increasingly important. This paper describes a novel, principled map matching algorithm that uses a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to find the most likely road route represented by a time-stamped sequence of latitude/longitude...
This article presents fast map matching (FMM), an algorithm integrating hidden Markov model with precomputation, and provides an open-source implementation. An upper bounded origin-destination table is precomputed to store all pairs of shortest paths within a certain length in the road network. As ...
HMM(Hidden Markov Model), 也称隐性马尔可夫模型,是一个概率模型,用来描述一个系统隐性状态的转移和隐性状态的表现概率。 系统的隐性状态指的就是一些外界不便观察(或观察不到)的状态, 比如在当前的例子里面, 系统的状态指的是大叔使用骰子的状态,即 {正常骰子, 作弊骰子1, 作弊骰子2,...} ...
参考了Paul Newson、John Krumm的论文:Hidden Markov Map Matching Through Noise and Sparseness 参考了武汉大学YangCan的论文:Fast map matching, an algorithm integrating hidden Markov model with precomputation 3. 地图匹配定义 4. 地图匹配应用场景 Releases2 ...
Markov models. Experiments show that the higher-order model is more effective than the first-order model in dealing with space-time continuum. Therefore, a need is likely to exist for solving the map matching problem using higher-order (e.g., second-order) HMM to achieve better map matching...
Matching:Viterbi 算法,是 Graphical Model 里的 Max-Product 算法的特例。 Training:Baum-Welch 算法,是EM 算法的特例。 熟悉Graphical Model 的同学肯定一下子能看出来,前两个问题属于 Inference 问题,分别就是算 Marginal 和 MAP 推断;而最后一个问题则是 Learning 问题,之所以 EM 算法也是因为状态是没有观察到...
Map matchingprecomputationperformance improvementWide deployment of global positioning system (GPS) sensors has generated a large amount of data with numerous applications in transportation research. Due to the observation error, a map matching ( ......