A.A. is supported by an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC, No. 250356), a Distinguished Scientist Award from the Nomis Foundation and grants from the GELU Foundation, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF grant ID 179040, Sinergia grant 183563), the Swiss Initiative ...
Let G be a finite Lie-type group in char.p⩾3 different from SL2(3)SL2(3), and V a ZpGZpG-module on which the root groups of G act quadratically, i.e. [V,Ar,Ar]=0[V,Ar,Ar]=0 for all roots of the root system of G. Then we show that V is completely reducible.被...
Whheennthne binso, swohsptwihoshtaiiwheptwipnlrsheiaaogncbheprmsohoiaociicbtonmteoHshihoissitvnoteeFeetiiestsistrrrvinreh,tgesesnoirguonuh,tr,lnhwgelurociwe,eesmwonciwrhsonmo1nanihfi3ntmlfinroiei.nstilonrovseeFTooltvuelcFoitlheedgolnhhiteredghfuecariuenrtharnnihnrsrenvagseietrseni1hterse1...