Hickok Cole is a forward-focused design practice. We connect bold ideas, diverse expertise, and partners with vision to do work that matters.
通过保留和还原历史建筑元素,结合量身定制的现代工作场所解决方案,Hickok Cole完美诠释心中愿景,将一幢历史建筑打造成自己的办公总部。Hickok Cole被DC联合市场和街区艺术社区的经济和文化振兴所吸引,拿下新闻之家大楼2,415平方米的空间作为他们开启下一华章的理想办公地点。作为该地区一些领先组织机构的住宅设计团队,...
📍Hickok Cole的华盛顿总部,位于新闻之家大楼,占地2,415平方米。设计灵感源自于保留历史建筑元素与现代工作场所的完美结合。🎨🏛️历史建筑:设计团队巧妙地保留了历史建筑的原貌,同时融入现代设计元素,打造出既具历史韵味又充满现代感的办公空间。💼现代办公:为员工提供灵活多元的工作环境,满足不同团队的需求,促...
每日设计分享——Franklin Square 华盛顿特区 | Hickok Cole 初的富兰克林广场由标志性的菲利普约翰逊于 1980 年代后期设计,体现了约翰逊在其职业生涯的后半期所追求的戏剧性后现代主义风格,拥有 20 英尺高的凹槽柱、大理石地板和青铜格栅工作檐篷. 四十年后,Hickok Cole 设计团队的任务是对 30,941平方英尺的公共租户...
Hickok Cole Architects offers competitive salaries and a full range of benefits in a rewarding, career-oriented environment. Not finding a position that best suits you? We're always looking for talented individuals to contribute to our growing practice. Click here to submit an application for your...
设计师:Hickok Cole 摄影:Jenn Verrier 12 Images | expand for additional detail 转载自:Office ...
Hickok Cole demonstrates the viability of mass timber high-rise in the US. Massive Change News Hickok Cole named MCN Massive Changer of the Month. Philly Voice D.C. architects want to build a timber skyscraper in Philadelphia. The Construction Specifier Hickok Cole proposes timber towers for...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Hickok Cole Architects at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Timber Towers is a conceptual 62-story skyscraper by Hickok Cole that consist of two office towers linked by a connecting bridge, and a third tower containing residential
Chalk It Up to Imagination.(Hickok Cole Architects P.C.)Kaiser, Laura Fisher