命令行和Web实用程序,用于读取.hic联系人矩阵文件 安装 需要Node( ) npm install hic-straw 原料药 getContactRecords 返回分类的联系人计数的集合。 争论 规范化-表示规范化方案的字符串 region 1 {chr,start,end}-以碱基对或片段为单位的基因组区域。 间隔约定是从零开始的1/2打开 区域2 {chr,开始,结束}...
Comparing the efficacy of the straw extract with the tested conventional herbicides, the obtained data showed that clodinafop propargyl and diclofop-methyl were the most effective against the time tested weeds as it severely reduced the weed population and other tested parameters....