三得利威士忌 Hibiki 17 Years Old Suntory Whisky, Japan年份全部年份 NV国内市场参考价:¥3000 (NV年份) 酒庄 响 产区 日本 风味特征桃子 杏子 甜瓜 玫瑰 百合 太妃糖 黑樱桃酒款综述 这是一款来自日本的调和威士忌。这款酒呈琥珀色,散发着桃子、杏子、甜瓜、玫瑰、百合和柠檬叶的香气,入口带有太妃糖、黑樱...
日本威士忌 三得利 响17年 響 威士忌 hibiki 三得利乡音17年威士忌又被称为三得利响17年(Suntory Hibiki) 被称为和谐的麦芽交响曲的响17年威士忌。 我的前半生 我的前半生 贺涵同款~ 看完这部电视剧 对日本威士忌产生了好感 开始喝起威士忌了 什么值得买是一家中立的消费门户网站,好价信息来自热心值友爆料和商家...
Suntory Hibiki Mount Fuji Limited Edition 17 Year Old Blended Whisky (No Box) 700ml Bottle Frootbat.com USA: (DE) Lewes Standard delivery 1-2 weeks More shipping info Go to shop ¥63,124 ¥90,176 / 1000ml ex. sales tax 700ml Suntory Hibiki Mount Fuji Limited Edition 17...
响(Hibiki)洋酒 日本原装乡音 三得利威士忌响牌 SUNTORY WHISKY 响和风醇韵 立即查看 亨特梁(Hunter Laing)岩石艾雷岛泥煤 苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌 进口洋酒礼盒装 岩石单支礼盒装 立即查看 店铺 枫羿酒类专营店 亨特梁旗舰店 评价 99%好评度 累计评价0条 98%好评度 包装用心 高端大气 价格给力 细腻顺滑 累计评价0...
aged malt and grain whiskies from Suntory's three distilleries. Spicy and sophisticated, this is great for catching people out at blind tastings. Recently awarded a Gold 'Editor's Choice' award from Whisky Magazine and picked up the top prize in its category at the World Whisky Awards 2010....
Hibiki Japanese Harmony Master's Select Suntory Whisky, Japan 年份全部年份 NV 国内市场参考价:¥960(NV年份) 酒庄响 产区日本 风味特征玫瑰 糖渍李子 橡木 橘子酱 黑巧克力 酒款综述 这是一款来自日本的调和威士忌。这款酒呈琥珀色,散发着玫瑰、糖渍李子和橡木的香气,入口带有橘子酱和黑巧克力的风味,略带一丝...
快速查看 Hibiki is a blend containing lovely malt whisky from Yamazaki and Hakushu with some aged grain whiskies from the Chita distillery.更多 详情 Made famous by the movie "Lost in Translation", the Hibiki blend is produced by Suntory whisky from its Yamazaki and Hakushu distilleries for malt...
「響 vs 竹鶴」調合型日威之戰!! Suntory還是Nikka!! 這一輪誰是王者!? Hibiki Harmony vs Taketsuru Whisky 847播放 · 总弹幕数22021-02-01 17:30:00 「響 vs 竹鶴」調合型日威之戰!! Suntory還是Nikka!! 這一輪誰是王者!? Hibiki Harmony vs Taketsuru Whisky 关注00...
All things whisky since 2007. Whiskybase B.V. Zwaanshals 530 3035 KS Rotterdam The Netherlands KVK: 60207205VAT: NL853809112B01 Whiskies Distilleries Brands Bottlers New releases Tasting notes Submit a new bottle Shop New arrivals Archives Market Buy whisky Sell a whisky Market help General Terms...
Find the best local price for Hibiki Kacho Fugetsu - Beauty of Japanese Nature 30 Year Old Blended Whisky, Japan. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥75,854 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.