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Although laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication has been recognized as the standard of care for hiatal hernia (HH) repair, HH recurrence due to breakdown of the hiatoplasty have been reported as a common mechanism of failure after primary repair. Different surgical techniques for diaphragmatic pillars ...
7.3 Surgical Interventions If medical therapy and lifestyle changes fail to resolve symptoms or if the patient experiences recurrent bleeding,surgical repairof the hiatal hernia may be considered: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (LNF) The most common anti-reflux surgery, wrapping the upper portion...
Laparoscopic-assisted hiatal hernia (HH) repair is safe and effective; however, it is unclear whether hernia size affects perioperative outcomes and whether a watch-and-wait strategy is appropriate for patients with asymptomatic large HHs. We aimed to investigate these issues. After IRB approval, we...
Surgical management of hiatal hernia vs medical therapy to treat bleeding Cameron lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surg Endosc. 2021 Dec;35(12):7154-62.[Abstract] 26. Soliman BG, Nguyen DT, Chan EY, et al. Robot-assisted hiatal hernia repair demonstrates favorable short-term ...
robot-assisted hiatal hernia repairGiant hiatal hernia is defined as at least 30% of the stomach passing through the esophageal hiatus into the thoracic cavity. Surgical repair is the only treatment available for patients with symptomatic giant hiatal hernias. Robot-assisted laparoscopic giant hiatal ...
Outcomes of surgical management of symptomatic large recurrent hiatus hernia Surg Endosc (2012) L. Bathla et al. Efficacy and feasibility of laparoscopic redo fundoplication World J Surg (2011) D.D. Coster Laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair using surgi-pro mesh Surg Laparosc Endosc (1996) T...
Clinical and Radiological Results of Repair of Hiatus Hernia. Br. Med. J. 1964, 2, 714–718. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] [PubMed Central] Brindley, G.V. Surgical Treatment of Complications of Esopliageal Hiatal Hernia. Ann. Surg. 1965, 161, 723–731. [Google Scholar] [...
Surgery. You might need a minorsurgical procedureto repair your hiatal hernia. Hiatal Hernia Surgery Hiatal hernia surgery has a 90% success rate. You'll likely be able to stop medications and have no more acid reflux after hiatal hernia surgery. But studies show that up to 50% of hiatal ...
This could be solved with medications that neutralize stomach acidity, decrease acid production, or strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, but onset of complications may require surgical repair of the hernia like in my case. Reply Editor's Picks Article Hiatal hernia Infocenter articles ...