Define Hi there. Hi there synonyms, Hi there pronunciation, Hi there translation, English dictionary definition of Hi there. interj. Used to greet someone, answer the telephone, or express surprise. n. pl. hel·los A calling or greeting of "hello." intr.
英英释义 hi[ hai ] n. an expression of greeting 同义词:hellohullohowdyhow-do-you-do a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands 同义词:HawaiiHawai'iAloha State 学习怎么用 词组短语 hi there嘿,你好(或你们好) ...
Read real reviews, guaranteed best price. Special rates on Hi There guesthouse Hongdae Double room 101 in Seoul, South Korea. Travel smarter with
Hi, ho, hi, ho, it's off to work we go.(喔,呵,喔,呵,我们要去工作了。)Hi, there, stranger.(哇,你好,陌生人。)Hi, howdy, partner.(嗨,你好,伙伴。)结论 hello和hi都可以用来打招呼或唤起注意,但它们在语气、场合和文化上有一些不同,需要根据语境和语气来判断。hello是比较正式的...
int.(用作问候语)嘿, 喂 HI abbr.Hawaiian Islands夏威夷群岛 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. greeting,salutation,American state 联想词 hello喂;lo瞧!看!;ho呵;ow哦,哎哟;hey喂!;oh哦;ah啊;yo唷;Ok好的;um嗯;uh嗯啊; 英语例句库 1.ITW Hi-Cone runs continuous webs of carrier rings for various...
INHO INHOEP INHOPE INHP INHPH INHR INHRCD INHS INHSC INHSWPR INHT INHTI INHURED INI INIA INIAA INIAF INIAP INIAS ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
【柴oc/互动】hohoho hi there 出场人物:我家克莱因、白纸家伯凌 BGM:You're Mine BGM的bv:BV1Wb411g7rf 简介:来吃口oc联姻的饭,听到这首歌暗喻这么强太合适了遂画了 #火柴人 #oc #手书 - 我是Mild于20240906发布在抖音,已经收获了421.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生
意思:(用于非正式场合打招呼)嗨,你好/p>用法:'Hi, Liz,' she said shyly.“你好,利兹,”她腼腆地说。2、who's英 [hu]、美 [hu]/p>意思:尤当 has 为助动词时, who is 或 who has 的常用口语形式。用法:Heasisamenho'sho. 他的名字已上了《名人录》。3、there英 [eer)]、...
there [ðer] adv. 在那里(双人自行车) they re [ ðer] contr. 他们是(双人赛车手!) slay:[sleɪ] v. 杀,杀死,屠杀 sleigh:[sleɪ] n. 雪橇 v. 滑雪橇他没有slay这只麋鹿,而是把它变成了sleigh。 desert:[ dɛzɚt] n. 沙漠,荒原,荒凉之地 ...