USA based Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, contract manufacturers of generic drugs worldwide, specializes in Contract Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and OTC Drug Manufacturing world wide.
Health & Wellness Learn more about Hi-Tech Supplements that Support Immune Health Health & Wellness Info 100% Platinum Whey™ from$ 44.95 Adderex® XR $ 59.95 Agmatine $ 21.99 Apple Cider Vinegar $ 17.95 Ashwagandha $ 29.95 Berberine
Hi-Tech Family of Brands Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was founded in 1997 and is a Georgia corporation based just north of Atlanta, in the city of Norcross. We are an enormously successful company that creates, manufactures and sells high-quality herbal products sold by the large, major reta...
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is a leader in phellodendron and berberine research with its Nexrutine® series of berberine extracts, which have over two decades of studies and real world results in many of Hi-Tech’s branded products. Sl...
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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is a leading Sports Nutrition manufacturer. Since 1997, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its sister company, Hi-Tech Nutraceuticals, LLC. have been providing quality custom manufacturing services to the pharmaceutical, dietary supplement and beverage industries. Hi-Tech ...
hi-tech pharmaceuticals的激素前体类 对于这个品牌,我持有负面观点,觉得其手法过于狡猾。它常常将类固醇的名称进行商标注册,并以此名义销售补剂,但实际上,这些产品中的成分往往并不具有实际效用。比如,其旗下的‘大力补’,实质上只是一些效果甚微的草药而已。
商标名称 HI-TECH PHARMACEUTICALS 国际分类 第05类-医药 商标状态 驳回复审 申请/注册号 29940286 申请日期 2018-03-30 申请人名称(中文) 陆超 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 江苏省无锡市宜兴市宜城街道段家巷14号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告期号 - 注册公告日期 ...
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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals To Pay $16 Million, Forbidden To Violate FTC ActElizabeth Crawford