于是笔者立刻咨询编辑里面的老烧问一下 iOS 上有什么支持 FLAC 的播放器。 老烧一听见这个问题,立刻扔过来一个链接:ONKYO HF Player,专业音响设备厂商安桥推出的配套 app,下载免费,但是需要付费 68 元解锁 HD Player Pack 才能播放无损格式的音频。最高支持 192KHz/24bit 的 Hi-Res 音频,DSD 11.2MHz 也不在话...
Hi-Res Audio Player for iPhone and MAC Flacbox 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, 8svx, aa,aac, aax, ac3, act, adt, adts, aif, aifc,aiff,alac, amr, amv,ape, asf, au,avi, awb, caf, cavs,cdda,cue, dct, dff, drc,dsf, dss, dvf, dvr-ms, ec3, f4a, f4b, f4p, f4v,flac, flv...
scylla is a new Hi-Res audio player app featuring “Easy”, “A Lot”, and “Comfortable”. “Easy” Already there are a lot of good audio player apps, but they are a little difficult and complex. scylla was developed with a focus on being simple. Of course controllable from CarPlay ...
scylla is a new Hi-Res audio player app featuring “Easy”, “A Lot”, and “Comfortable”. “Easy” Already there are a lot of good audio player apps, but they are a little difficult and complex. scylla was developed with a focus on being simple. Of course controllable from CarPlay ...
iAudioGate支持多种音频格式,借此可在iPhone上实现各种Hi-Res Audio音频格式的播放。即使要进行格式的转换处理,APP也能针对每种文件格式进行最佳处理来实现高品质的声音。当然,最大卖点还是对应于高达11.2 MHz DSD的宽采样频率,支持直接播放和向上采样而无需转换处理,每个音符都能得到最佳控制。此外,通过iPhone兼容的移...
一张专辑的曲折探索:iOS 上寻找Hi-Res音乐的旅程 那天,我在大法的音乐世界里意外发现一张圣诞优惠券还有效,于是立刻入手了雅尼的两张专辑,却不曾想,iPhone 7的Hi-Res音乐之旅就此开启。iOS设备的音频世界,虽然默认支持AAC和MP3,还有一类Apple Lossless(ALAC)和无压缩格式WAV和AIFF,但对于APE和...
HYSOLID Hi-Res Music Player(Free) 4+ Component Design Corp. 专为iPhone 设计 1.0 • 1 个评分 免费 iPhone 截屏简介 ・Turn Your PC into A Network Player HYSOLID is a player software that enables you to play high-resolution music without signing in to Windows. It can be easily operated...
jetAudio Hi-Res Music Player 4+ Jae Ook Jeong 专为iPad 设计 3.8 • 81 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 jetAudio is a music player with 10/20 bands graphic equalizer, visualization, network/cloud streaming and various sound effects. -- Sound Effects & Visualization ...
随着代表高品质音乐标准的Hi-Res逐渐变成主流规格,以及其音乐资源的不断丰富,喜欢音乐的手机用户都会很乐意去购买和下载Hi-Res的音乐资源。然而对于国内的iOS用户来说这无疑是噩梦,因为Apple的原生软件和硬件都不支持。 而对于iOS用户来说,欲想把玩Hi-Res就需要先行作格式转换,这着实不便。但实际上,只要安装各式各样...
The audiophile software for music playback (Neutron Music Player) and audio recording (Neutron Audio Recorder) with in-house developed 32/64-bit audiophile-grade hi-res audio engine which supports rich set of DSP tools that meet any need in sound tuning.