What is Hi-Fi Rush? A high-energy action adventure where the characters, world and combat are synchronized to the music. Considered a defect by an evil tech megacorp due to his heart being fused to a music player, Chai fights his way to freedom by getting into the groove. Devastating ...
Fret not: Hi-Fi RUSH also includes an alternate, streamer friendly original soundtrack featuring The Glass Pyramids, Shuichi Kobori, REO, Masatoshi Yanagi and more.READY FOR AN ENCORE?Completing the story is only the beginning! Replay levels to uncover secrets, climb the perilous Rhythm Tower ...
Ihr spielt vor Publikum? Fürchtet euch nicht: Hi-Fi RUSH hat einen streamerfreundlichen alternativen Original-Soundtrack mit The Glass Pyramids, Shuichi Kobori, REO, Masatoshi Yanagi und vielen anderen. BEREIT FÜR EINE ZUGABE? Der Abschluss der Story ist erst der Anfang! Spielt Level noch ei...
Spürt den Beat, wenn der Möchtegern-Rockstar Chai und sein buntes Team aus Verbündeten mithilfe rabaukiger Rhythmuskämpfe gegen einen bösen Tech-Konzern rebellieren! Von Tango Gameworks kommt Hi-Fi RUSH, ein brandneues Game mit einer Welt im T
What is Hi-Fi Rush? A high-energy action adventure where the characters, world and combat are synchronized to the music. Considered a defect by an evil tech megacorp due to his heart being fused to a music player, Chai fights his way to freedom by getting into the groove. Devastating ...
In Hi-Fi RUSH feel the beat as wannabe rockstar Chai and his ragtag team of allies rebel against an evil tech megacorp with raucous rhythm combat!
Hi-Fi Rush(现已加入,Xbox Series X|S,同步加入云游戏,支持官方中文) 神笔谈兵 Inkulinati(1月31日加入,Game Preview,同步加入云游戏,支持官方中文) JOJO的奇妙冒险群星之战重制版 JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R(1月31日加入,同步加入云游戏,支持官方中文) 暗黑地牢 Darkest Dungeon(2月2日加...
Hi-Fi Rush’s PS5 port might not have much that makes it stand apart from its launch last year, but replaying it reminded me just how special it is and made me fall in love with it all over again. In a generation where games are constantly trying to sucker you into spending all of...
各位玩家朋友们早上好,欢迎大家收看今天的游民晨播报,今天的主要内容有:《对马岛之魂》Steam版从上百个国家/地区下架;微软关闭Tango Gameworks工作室后《Hi-Fi Rush》获得大量好评……我们将在随后为你带来以上新闻的详细信息,敬请关注。 重点关注: 《对马岛之魂》Steam版从上百个国家/地区下架 ...
Xbox exclusive to boot. Few games can proudly go toe to toe with something as stylistically groundbreaking as Jet Set Radio, but Hi-Fi Rush sits comfortably within that lineage thanks to its intuitive full-bodied combat system, masterful art direction and anti-capitalist story. What can I say...