游戏主公人阿茶,在一次手术改造中,遭遇意外,他胸前的iPod音乐播放器,被机器人大公司(Vandelay Industries)标记为 "瑕疵品",阿茶突然可以看到并感受到体内的音乐脉搏,会与他周围的世界环境产生律动效果。从此刻开始,几乎所有的游戏设定,都与《Hi-Fi Rush》原声带的节奏联系在了一起! (图片来源:网络截图) 这种俏皮的...
《Hi-Fi RUSH》不失上限,同时亲民又兼具可玩性的做派,绝不会拒绝任何想要尝试它的玩家。 而真正令《Hi-Fi RUSH》成为黑马的原因,则在于它极其扎实的游戏内容——抛开音乐,你会发现《Hi-Fi RUSH》的动作设计也可圈可点;抛开动作模组,其音乐质量与根据敌人动作展现的“谱面”,也素质极高。 作为动作游戏该有的...
因为即便《Hi-Fi Rush》被打上了动作的标签,可他在本质上还是一款正儿八经的音游,在节拍判定方面可谓是十分严格,不止搓招需要极强的节奏感,就连格挡和QTE都是快准狠。 而且与宫崎英高可以逃课的箱庭式游戏不同,身为线性游戏的《Hi-Fi Rush》仅仅在战斗的时候为玩家提供了较高的自由度,在推进主线剧情的时候,...
《Hi-Fi RUSH》M站达90分:第二款XSX必玩游戏! 节奏动作游戏《Hi-Fi RUSH》一经推出就广受玩家喜爱,游戏将动作和音乐节拍相结合,让人感受动作爽快性的同时也带来快乐。 日前,《Hi-Fi RUSH》在M站的媒体评分均达到了90分,成功获得了M站的必玩游戏图标,这也是继《极限竞速:地平线5》后第二款Xbox Series X必...
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The lower the frequency of the sound produced by the vibrating cone of a driver, the more apt it is to simply cause air to rush from one side of the cone to the other, rather than produce the compression waves that constitute sound. By adding a baffle around the driver, this increases...
As I mentioned before, I bought a copy of “Way Out West” after getting a rush of blood following a refund on expensive concert tickets during lockdown. It sounds really good – but not magnitudes better than my 2009 OJC repress (which may be digital or analogue – difficult to know ...
This scene starts tame, with a gentle cruise over the deserts of Arrakis, but it quickly devolves into a rescue mission as the Ornithopter nose dives and the protagonists rush out into the sandstorm to help the crew of a large spice harvester before a deadly worm attack - it'll make more...
This is especially true in the current market, where the presence of the B4 means many retailers are offering great discounts on the B3 as they rush to clear stock. For your money, you get an OLED that unashamedly focuses on getting the basics right in a bid to keep costs down. The ... -toolshed...