CostumeHi-Fi RUSH: Traditional Garb Costume Pack $4.99 What is Hi-Fi Rush? A high-energy action adventure where the characters, world and combat are synchronized to the music. Considered a defect by an evil tech megacorp due to his heart being fused to a music player, Chai fights his wa...
Buy Hi-Fi RUSH $39.75 BUY NOW Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition Includes: Hi-Fi RUSH (Base game) Two Chai outfits Seven bonus Chai t-shirts 808-Themed Guitar Skin 808 Alternate Skin Gears Starter Pack with 20,000 Gears for unlocking combat skills and other upgrades. (Note: Gears are obtained ...
In Hi-Fi RUSH feel the beat as wannabe rockstar Chai and his ragtag team of allies rebel against an evil tech megacorp with raucous rhythm combat!
From Tango Gameworks, the studio that brought you The Evil Within® and Ghostwire®: Tokyo (no, really) comes Hi-Fi RUSH, an all-new action game where the characters, world and combat stylishly sync to the music! CHAI VERSUS THE WORLD Labeled ‘defective’ after a shady corporate ...
Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition Hi-Fi RUSH زيّان لـChai خمسة قمصان إضافية لـChai هيئة غيتار 808 هيئة 808 بديلة حزمة تروس المبتدئع...
Tango Gameworks 推出全新作品《Hi-Fi RUSH》,一款与音乐同步的全新动作游戏! 游戏类型 冒险动作平台游戏节奏 特色 云存储单人成就 感受节拍,扮演想成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,和他凑起的杂牌军一起用喧闹的节奏战斗来反抗邪恶的机械义肢企业帝国!当初带给各位《邪灵入侵®》和《幽灵线®:东京》(真的没开玩笑)的 Tango...
服装Hi-Fi RUSH: Teamplay Costume Pack (中日英韩文版) HK$36.00 PS5 服装Hi-Fi RUSH: Traditional Garb Costume Pack (中日英韩文版) HK$36.00 评级 Hi-Fi RUSH (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) 登录后进行评价 全球玩家评价 4.81平均评价4.81颗星(满分5颗星,5295个评价) ...
漫画风动作节奏游戏《Hi-Fi RUSH》部分海外游戏媒体评分现已出炉,本作目前M站均分88分,用户评分9.2分。部分媒体评分如下: PrimaGames - 10/10 Forbes - 9.5/10 XboxEra - 9.5/10 WayTooManyGames - 9.5/10 Ho...
《Hi-Fi RUSH》半辅助&半流畅の游玩— 7 36:47 《Hi-Fi RUSH》半辅助&半流畅の游玩— 6 36:47 《Hi-Fi RUSH》半辅助&半流畅の游玩— 5 36:47 《Hi-Fi RUSH》半辅助&半流畅の游玩— 4 32:50 《Hi-Fi RUSH》半辅助&半流畅の游玩— 3 ...
《Hi-Fi RUSH》:傳統服裝套裝包 立即取得造型套裝,為《Hi-Fi RUSH》的隊友增添細膩巧思!「傳統服裝套裝包」含六套新服裝,每位角色一套,例如阿茶的服裝便是以封建領主為主題,還有搭配服裝的吉他! 立即取得「傳統服裝套裝包」,讓敵人知道搖滾巨星的帥氣是不限時代的。購買後,即可在遊戲中前往祕密基地換上解鎖的造型...