Hi-Fi Rush is going to stay with me. I absolutely adore this game, far, far more than I would I would have imagined, given everything said above. It is, quite literally, infectious, as you will not only find yourself involuntarily bopping along with the beat as you play, but even af...
In Hi-Fi RUSH feel the beat as wannabe rockstar Chai and his ragtag team of allies rebel against an evil tech megacorp with raucous rhythm combat!
Hi-Fi RUSH is a surprise hit for many, but frankly, that shouldn’t come as a surprise. Tango Gameworks once more has proven itself to be an immensely talented studio, with showstopping animation and stylish artwork. It’s one of the strongest entries in the character action genre yet, ...
《Hi-Fi Rush》在Metacritic上已达到“必玩”评价。#xbox# û收藏 2 2 ñ17 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 微软Xbox相关 更多a 微关系 他的关注(169) 游侠网 游戏圈资讯君 雪暴君 哈迪_freelancer 他的粉丝(17.8...
10.《Hi-Fi Rush》 89分 9.《潜水员戴夫》 90分 7.《幽灵诡计 重制版》90分 并列第7.《Videoverse》 90分 6.《雷神之锤2:增强版》90分 5.《生化危机4 重制版》 91分 4.《Turbo Overkill》91分 3.《风暴之城》 92分 2.《街头霸王6》92分 ...
My experience is that I am much more likely to buy second rate records in mediocre condition directly from a record shop (when I am in a bit of a rush) than from (notoriously overgraded) Discogs. Discogs and Ebay have been a major advance in the new analogue era by liberating record ...
Hi-Fi Rush Released On:Jan 25, 2023 MetascoreGenerally FavorableBased on 56 Critic Reviews 87 User ScoreGenerally FavorableBased on 3,596 User Ratings 8.9 My Score Hover and click to give a rating Where to Buy All Platforms Critic Reviews ...
I'll only talk about the game itself, as I know Bethesda and Microsoft have had their share of run-ins with the public regarding the closure of the studio behing Hi-Fi Rush (thankfully saved since Microsoft's announcement). What an authentic gem, a pleasure to play and an riveting expe...