VOEL DE BEAT Voel de beat tijdens de gevechten van wannabe rockster Chai en zijn ragtag-team tegen een kwaadaardige megacorp met rauwe ritmegevechten! Hi-Fi RUSH, van Tango Gameworks, is een gloednieuwe actiegame waarin de wereld synchroniseert met de muziek....
2. Hi-Fi RUSH Gameplay Overview CONTROLS Before we go over a general overview of the gameplay/combat, here is a list of the relevant controls for the game. Note that some of the controls listed will have multiple inputs and/or will be initially unavailable, as they will be introduced as...
In Hi-Fi RUSH feel the beat as wannabe rockstar Chai and his ragtag team of allies rebel against an evil tech megacorp with raucous rhythm combat!
Hi-Fi Rush on Xbox Game Pass is a hidden gem that surprised me with its unique and addictive gameplay. As a musician, I was excited to try it out and boy did it deliver! The artistry and technical merit of the visuals were impressive, but it's the sound design that really shines in...
Hi-Fi Rush is a real-time third-person hack and slash music/rhythm game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game follows amateur rockstar Chai, a young man who had a portable music player mistakenly fused with his heart following a corporate experiment, as ...
Hi-Fi RUSH Microsoft Source EMEA Source EMEA Our Company AI Innovation Diversity & Inclusion Sustainability Work & Life Más Todo Microsoft Software PCs y dispositivos Entretenimiento Empresas Desarrolladores y TI Otro Buscar 21 de febrero de 2024...
Hi-Fi Rush: Réalisé par John Johanas. Avec Robbie Daymond, Erica Lindbeck, Sunil Malhotra, Gabe Kunda. As wannabe rock star Chai, you'll fight back against a sinister robotics enhancement conglomerate using rhythm-amplified combat where everything - fr
Hi-Fi RUSHstruggles to differentiate them from each other beyond certain strings being able to launch enemies. As a result, there isn’t much extrinsic motivation to experiment once you’ve found a couple of strings that work well for you. It would’ve been nice to see the game mix ...
Wrapped in a wonderfully written story with lovable characters and a wonderful production, Hi-Fi Rush is also an absolute hit on the PlayStation 5. The fair price and the controls, which are excellently optimized for the features of the DualSense, more than adequately console the fact that ...
Hi-Fi Rush is an excellent break from the norm for the horror buffs at Tango Gameworks, meshing the energetic combat of a character-action brawler with the toe-tapping beats of a stylish rhythm game.