Fight to the beat in Hi-Fi RUSH! This is a 3rd person action platformer where combat is done to the beat, with amazing graphics and an epic soundtrack!
What is Hi-Fi Rush? A high-energy action adventure where the characters, world and combat are synchronized to the music. Considered a defect by an evil tech megacorp due to his heart being fused to a music player, Chai fights his way to freedom by getting into the groove. ...
Hi-Fi RUSH Inbegrepen bij Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition € 39,99+ Spellen opgenomen Hi-Fi RUSH Invoegtoepassingen opgenomen Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack NAAR GAME Xbox Game Pass Standard € 12,99/maand€ 1,00 van 14 dagen ...
Buy Hi-Fi RUSH $39.75 BUY NOW Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition Includes: Hi-Fi RUSH (Base game) Two Chai outfits Seven bonus Chai t-shirts 808-Themed Guitar Skin 808 Alternate Skin Gears Starter Pack with 20,000 Gears for unlocking combat skills and other upgrades. (Note: Gears are obtained ...
From Tango Gameworks, the studio that brought you The Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo (no, really) comes Hi-Fi RUSH, an all-new action game where the characters, world and combat stylishly sync to the music! Chai Versus the World Labeled ‘defective’ after a shady corporate experiment ...
From Tango Gameworks, the studio that brought you The Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo (no, really) comes Hi-Fi RUSH, an all-new action game where the characters, world and combat stylishly sync to the music! Chai Versus the World Labeled ‘defective’ after a shady corporate experiment ...
亲测STEAM 9.62680版可用 Hi-Fi RUSH\Hibiki\Binaries\Win64\Hi-Fi-RUSH.exe 修改器界面:说明:无...
喵喵喵喵~《Hi-Fi RUSH》现已加入 Game Pass ! 808...[色]我的808...嘿嘿...[色]#Xbox##XGP##Hi-Fi RUSH#
Tingkatkan gameplay Hi-Fi Rush Anda. SEA Gamer Mall menjual kode & item game digital termurah. Bayar dengan Paypal, kartu kredit & lainnya. Beli sekarang!
Hi-Fi Rush is an excellent break from the norm for the horror buffs at Tango Gameworks, meshing the energetic combat of a character-action brawler with the toe-tapping beats of a stylish rhythm game. ByRichard WakelingonFebruary 2, 2023 at 4:26PM PST ...