hemoglobin in a normal person and up to 12 per cent in persons with diabetes mellitus. Increased levels correlate with glucose intolerance in diabetics; with good diabetic control its level returns to normal range, so that periodic assays can be helpful in evaluating effective control of diabetes....
Mary Jones is a 23-year-old college student who has a moderate anemia. Her white count and platelets are normal. (a) What possible causes of the anemia appear likely? (b) What tests would you perform to confirm your initial imp...
And if your low hemoglobin is caused by iron deficiency due toinflammatory bowel disease (IBD), treatment for both issues can help restore your hemoglobin to a normal level.7 A Word From Verywell Hemoglobin levels are a helpful indicator of a number of medical issues. Since you are unlikely ...
MCHC, an important parameter for chylous samples, is also elevated under several conditions, including hyposmolar plasma conditions and under conditions of erythroid diseases, such as intravascular hemolysis, erythrocyte agglutination, hereditary spherocytosis and sickle cell anemia. The upper limit of the...