norrie19436over a year ago Hi, I am 25 years old female and my doctor ordered me to make blood analysis as I complained on tiredness, sleepy and bad appetite. When I get my report from blood analysis I saw that my HCT and HGB are low. I would like to know what it means. Thank ...
TheEffectsof,LivingHighandTrainingLow,ontheIndexesofRetic,RBCandHGBinRats 刘文锋,郑澜 LIUWen(feng)ZHENGLan 摘要:为了探讨采用高住(氧浓度为11.3%相当于海拔高度5000m)低练对大鼠网织红细胞(Reticulocyte,Retic)、红细胞计数(Redbloodcells,RBC)、血红蛋白(Hemoglo(bin)HGB)等的影响。将56只健康雄性SD大鼠随机...