17 这个机顶盒可以刷armbian吗?不能,别刷,只适合HG680mc,我用两个机顶盒已经试刷过了 ...
烽火HG680-J/V-Hi3798MV100-当贝纯净桌面-卡刷固件包 https://www.znds.com/tv-1235076-1-1.html 魔百盒烽火680系列刷机、玩机、救砖教程汇总! 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复 相关阅读: 魔百盒怎么样刷系统 魔百盒311-1a YST 刷Armbian系统教程分享 魔百盒M401A怎么刷armbian 魔百盒M401A刷机教程...
If you think it’s not enough, or you don’t find the version you miss, you can use the openwrt-kernel script in the repository to automatically extract and generate them from the Armbian/OpenWrt firmware shared by Flippy. Or put Flippy's original kernel directly into the repository for ...
这个机顶盒可以刷armbian吗? 不能,别刷,只适合HG680mc,我用两个机顶盒已经试刷过了 回复 支持 反对 举报 罗波波 26# 发表于 2024-4-20 15:44 | 只看该作者 | 来自陕西 感谢楼主,全网找了一圈,楼主提供的两个固件包中体积较大的是唯一1个可以遥控直接关机而没有确定对话框的固件,其它固件按下遥控关...
If you think it’s not enough, or you don’t find the version you miss, you can use the openwrt-kernel script in the repository to automatically extract and generate them from the Armbian/OpenWrt firmware shared by Flippy. Or put Flippy's original kernel directly into the repository for ...
s not enough, or you don’t find the version you miss, you can use theopenwrt-kernelscript in the repository to automatically extract and generate them from the Armbian/OpenWrt firmware shared by Flippy. Or put Flippy's original kernel directly into the repository for use. Instructions:build...