针对你提出的“bash: hg: command not found”问题,我将按照你提供的Tips逐一进行解答: 1. 确认用户环境变量配置是否正确 首先,你需要检查环境变量PATH中是否包含了Mercurial(hg)的安装路径。你可以通过以下命令查看当前的PATH设置: bash echo $PATH 如果输出中没有包含Mercurial的安装路径,你需要将其添加到PATH中。
tells you which modules you’ve installed withpip installand the versions of these modules that you are currently have installed on your computer. Solution:The issue is because, from the pip’s point of view, the hg command is unavailable. $ hg -bash: hg: command not found Mercurial Mercur...
Hello, I'm getting this error: docs: packaging backend failed (code=1), with OSError: 'hg' was not found Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\yyyyyy\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pyproject_api\_backend.py", ...
我是一个新的emacs用户,当我在python中编程时,我正在尝试安装ropemacs。所以我使用了命令:M-x el-get-install ropemacs。但它给了我以下错误:“the command name 'hg' cannot be found with 'executable find” 我完全不理解它,并建议如果有其他插件,可以进行重构,等等,我在OS X 10.9上运行Emacs 24.3...
This command collects traces from the target specified in the VMhost variable. The command then stores the trace files to the specified path. Since theRunDiagnosticsparameter is not used, the cmdlet does not run diagnostics against the collected targets. ...
ifconfig:Command not found 在RedHat终端,直接敲入ifconfig命令,提示信息是:bash: ifconfig: command not found。 敲入/sbin/ifconfig则可以看到网络配置。类似现象的命令也出现了不少。 解决方法: cd ~ vi .bash_profile PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 在这一句后加上 :/sbin (即为:PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:sbin)...
db2 = insert into tpch.test2 values(cde); DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2 = commit; DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2 = connect to sample user tpch using tpch; db2 = select count(*) from tpch.test2; SQL0551N TPCH does not have the required ...
DETAIL: command not found 您需要配置DUMP TO OSS的program为hg_dump_to_oss,否则会出现该报错。 ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ...” failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 101 输入的AccessKeyId不合法,请使用当前账号的AccessKey ID。 ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ...” failed ...
cd QScintilla-gpl-2.6.2/cd Qt4Qt5/#我这边是发现没有qmake命令,bash: qmake: command not found#cp /usr/lib/qt47/bin/qmake /usr/bin/#如果你也没有那就执行上面那命令qmake qscintilla.pro make&&make install cd ../Python/python configure.py#绑定pythonmake && make install ...
FAQ xdg-open: not found in Linux sudo apt-get install xdg-utils --fix-missing See xdg-open command is not working License MIT Donate If this tool is useful for you, please Star this repository. And maybe you want to donate me via Alipay / WeChat: Thank you.About...