hello i want to redo a simulation of split ring resonator in Hfss. it gives a problem :" [error] Unable to locate or start COM engine on 'Local Machine' : unable to create engine process (10:40:27 PM Jan 04, 2011)" please help me thanks I think the problem is with your HFSS se...
求问这样的问题怎么解..Unable to locate or start COM engine on 'Local Machine' : unable to create engine process (2
官网的教学视频设置,导出后得到HFSS 3D和3D Layout都不能仿真,只有Circuit Design可以仿真 报错说无法创建子进程,我打开之前自己设计的同轴滤波器可以仿真,应该不是许可证和环境问题 Hairpin_42 (C:/Users/74567/Documents/Ansoft/) Hairpin_4 (Hybrid Terminal Network) [error] Unable to create child process: ...
The information contained in this is subject to change with- out notice. ANSYS makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, luding, but not limited to, the implied warranties of mer- chantability and fitness for a particular purpose. ANSYS shall not be liable for errors conta...