您好。是一直在仿真,停留在solving matrix part 1of 2的进度条就不动了。模型就是一个微带线,在...
圆形喇叭天线仿真报错..[error] Solving adaptive frequency ..., process hf3d error: Matrix solver exception: SOLVER_OUT_OF_M
Ansys continually innovates in HFSS. Each release provides faster simulation without compromising accuracy. HFSS solver technology now enables massive layout geometry handling capacity. If you haven’t used the latest HFSS, you don’t know what you’re missing. ...
HFSS边界条件设置(HFSS boundary condition setting)(HFSS boundary condition setting (HFSS boundary condition setting)) The wave equation solved by Ansoft HFSS is derived from maxwell equation of differential form. These expressions can only be used by the assumption that these field vectors and their ...
-Adaptive Solutions- Maximum Number of 6 Maximum Delta S SigleLayer carbon expo · HFSSDesign1 -Setup1: Interpolating Sweep Sweep, Step #132: Frequency 2.75 GHz - Solving on Local Machine Solving matrix part 1 of 2 四、 HFSS 设计实例 HFSS C Use Matrix Convergenct Set Magnitude and Phase....
This implies that the S-matrix is unitary as defined here. Where: I is the identity matrix and S* is the complex conjugate of the transpose of S. This is generally referred to as the hermetian conjugate of S. Typically, we will be using lossless netwo 42、rks when we want to place...
However, it always shows errors when trying to solve the convergence matrix. the error is Solving adaptive frequency ..., process hf3d error: Failed to solve port 1, solving at too low frequency is a possible cause. Could anyone help me out? Thanks a lot...
HFSS 使用技巧
) speed up over HFSS and alleged much greater memory capacity that weren't substatiated at all. In fact,at firstmost users were very skeptical: 56% of users doubt Anirudh's secret "new" Clarity matrix solverhttp://www.deepchip.com/items/0588-05.htmlLots of doubt there... but thatall...