Port refinement, process hf3d error: Port 1 does not have a solved inside material on either side..上下两面都设置了波端口激励,也设置了空气腔贴合材料,检查合适,但在计算中出现了报错,请问这是怎么回事哪位大神能教下
[error] Port refinement, process hf3d error: Port 1 does not have a solved inside material on either side.. Please contact ANSYS technical support. (1:00:44 下午 2月 02, 2023) 空气盒子自动设置: create region 背地共面波导设置drivenTerminal 可以加一个0.03空隙的转接块,转接块将平面波导和背地...
hfss 分析时两..1、Adaptive solution setup, process hf3d error: Failure in processing solution for output.. 2、Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine.
x HFSS仿真时,出现这个问题?Port refinement,process hf3d error:The mesh segments representing terminal...
圆形喇叭天线仿真报错..[error] Solving adaptive frequency ..., process hf3d error: Matrix solver exception: SOLVER_OUT_OF_M
Discretesolution,processhf3derror:Failedtosolvetheproblemduetolackofprecision.Thelikelycauseisthatthefrequencyistoolow.(8:48下午九月02,2013)Solution... 老是显示这个,不收敛。Discrete solution, process hf3d error: Failed to solve the problem due to lack of precision. The likely cause is that the ...
Here is the detail of the error that I get: Transition_wr75 (Modal Network) [error] Solving frequencies ... (Nondomain solver), process hf3d exited with code 149. (1:55:20 PM Jan 17, 2023) [info] A discrete frequency sweep with 17 point(s) has been started using HFSS - Solving ...
HFSS 仿真时出错..port refinement, process hf3d error: The mesh on port 2 is non-planar. Check the port geometry and verify that the mesh accurately represents the port.
The High Frequency structure simulator (HFss) is the industrys t a n d a r d s o f t w a r e t o o l f o r 3-D fu l l -wave e lectromagnet ic field simulat... Hfss 被引量: 0发表: 2009年 Design and Development of Fork Waveguide Output Multiplexers This often has the...
用户06:加环形的port时,内环多边形跟外环多边形顶点错位,然后HFSS会报Port refinement, process hf3d error的错误。您知道怎么画图避免此error吗?把内环跟外环的顶点一一怎么能画在同一条直线上。 用户07:1. 在ansys进行系统级信号仿真时,希望发端收端能够加载一些算法。但是不同芯片使用算法不同。在circuit里面可以...