12 We offer the best prices on HFO-1234yf, HFO-1234ze, r-448a, r-410a, r-134a, and r-22. We also sell HFO refrigerant blends, environmentally friendly refrigerant replacements, HFCs, Valvoline, Johnsen’s, Pyroil, Zerex and many other automotive products. And our aggressive refrigerant ...
Moreover, the focus is on a fourth-generation refrigerant, viz. HFO-1234yf having zero ozone depletion potential and very low global warming potential. Synthesis procedure, chemistry, applications and consumption norms of HFO-1234yf are explained....
HFO-1234yf As a new refrigerant with low GWP, HFO-1234yf can be a near drop in substitute of HFC-134a for automotive air conditioning system refrigeration. When it is used, existing automotive air conditioning systems require only minor changes due to its performance properties are similar to ...
Anewrefrigerant,thefourthgenerationofrefrigerantHFO-1234yfwillbeproposed.Basicknowledge HFC-134acomparewiththeHFO-1234yf HFOhaslowerboilingpointandownhigherpressureofsaturatedaporinnormaltemperature.densityandcriticalpointmolecularformulaaresimilartoHFC-134a.itcanbeusedinMobileairconditioningsysteminsteadofHFC-134a.Expe...
LowGWPRefrigerantForMAC.Themiraclesofscience. 2007 -11 -29. 11 拉吉夫.R辛格, 汉.T.范, 戴维.P.威尔逊等.含有氟取 代烯烃的组合物[ P] 1 732 243, 2006. 12 SAEInternational.IndustryEvaluationoflowglobalwar mingpotentialrefrigerantHFO-1234yf[ R] .2007. ...
HFO1234yf霍尼R1234yf制冷剂Honeywell Solstice YF Refrigerant 型号:霍尼韦尔R1234yf制冷剂 HFO-1234yf可以应用于冰箱制冷剂、灭火剂、传热介质、推进剂、发泡剂、起泡剂、气体介质、灭菌剂载体、聚合物单体、移走颗粒流体、载气流体、研磨抛光剂、替换干燥剂、电循环工作流体等领域。
R-1234yf (HFO-1234yf) New Refrigerant Purity and Container Requirements for Use in Mobile Air-Conditioning Systems 被代替 2013-01 SAE J2844-2011 发布历史 SAE J2844-2011由美国机动车工程师协会 US-SAE 发布于 2011-02-07,并于 2011-10-11 实施。
HFO-1234YF is the fourth generation of fluorine-containing refrigerant, mainly used for automobile air conditioning. More Products Company Profile Zhejiang Jushen New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a star enterprise in Quzhou Zhizhao New City, Zheji...
3.1可燃性制冷剂flammablerefrigerant 按GB/T7778标准的制冷剂分类为A2、A3类的制冷剂。 3.2非冷凝性气体Non-CondensableGases(NCGs) 在同一容器内相同的压力与温度条件下相对于液态制冷剂而存在的不能液化的气体。 4分类与型号 4.1分类 4.1.1按设备工作系统数量分类a)单系统,代号Ⅰ ...