趋势图(氧浓度、流量、SpO2、SpO2/FiO2 比) SpO2 体积描记图 Learn more about the ROX index 有哪些获益?了解证据 HFNC 治疗可降低最严重病人的插管率。90 天死亡率存在显著差异,这为支持 HFNC 提供了论据 (Frat JP, Thille AW, Mercat A, et al.High‑flow oxygen through nasal cannula in acute hypoxe...
目前,越来越多的证据支持使用术后或拔管后轻度至中度低氧血症患者,使用NIV或高流量鼻氧(PaO2:FIO2比值<300mmHg),但不足以推荐其中一种。 与NIV相比,高流量鼻氧具有更好的舒适性和耐受性,允许每天使用近24小时,这是显著的优势,并证明了将高流量治疗作为标准氧治疗的首选替代...
事后分析显示严重呼吸衰竭 (PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200) 患者使用高流量的气管插管率在统计学上显着降低 Ni YN 等人的荟萃分析。 证明与 NIPPV 和常规氧疗 (COT) 相比,HFNC 的使用与急性呼吸衰竭中气管插管率的降低有关 拔管后(重新插管风险低的患者)Hernandez 等人 对 527 名需要重新插管的低风险患者进行了 RCT 患者...
The changes of heart rate(HR), respiratory rate(RR), Oxygenation index(PaO2/FiO2), arterial partial pressure of CO2(PaCO2) before and after treatment and intolerance and failure of treatment, endotracheal intubation requirements, length of hospital stay, and inpatient mor...
A mixture of air/oxygen was provided at a flow rate of 1 L/min, with FiO2 set in order to reach SpO2 of 94–97%. Corticosteroid, broncho- dilator, and chest physiotherapy were stopped if provided beforehand. Chest X-ray and capillary blood gas meas- urements were performed, and the...
事后分析显示严重呼吸衰竭 (PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200) 患者使用高流量的气管插管率在统计学上显着降低 Ni YN 等人的荟萃分析。 证明与 NIPPV 和常规氧疗 (COT) 相比,HFNC 的使用与急性呼吸衰竭中气管插管率的降低有关 拔管后(重新插管风险低的患者) Hernandez 等人 对 527 名需要重新插管的低风险患者进行了 RCT ...
HFNC was administered via Airvo2 (Fisher & Paykel, New Zealand), flow was set to 30 L/m, temperature to 34掳C and FiO2 to SpO2 92%-96%. VMN (Aerogen Solo, Ireland) was placed at the humidifier and Salbutamol (2.5 mg) was administered. They were measured before and after PEF (L/...
(13 vs 1, p=0 03 and 8 vs 0, p=0 05) HFNC was provided for a median of 21 (IQR 9-36) hours vs COT for 4 (IQR 1-11) hours prior to MV (p=< 0001) There was no difference in the initial PaO2/FiO2 ratio (152卤62 HFNC vs 153卤67 COT, p-0 95) The mean SOFA score...
Vital signs, FiO2, Wood-Downes-F茅rres score and HFNC/NIV parameters were recorded up to 96h after therapy initiation. Children who developed respiratory failure despite receiving initial therapy were intubated. Crossover was not allowed. The primary outcome analyzed was invasive mechanical ventilation...