andreceivefrequencies. •OFFBANDdisplay: Stoptransmissionwhenyouattempttotransmitoutsideoftheamateurradioband. TheLCDwilldisplaythefollowing: 34 Chapter2Communications 2.3SSBOperation Introduction TheSSB(SingleSideBand)modeismostfrequentlyusedforvoicecommunicationinHF bands. Procedure NOTE:Makesurethatallantenna,pow...
Minimum requirements for HF radio systems using a packet transmission protocoldoi:ITU-R F.764
To: Date: Saturday, September 4, 2010, 10:11 AM I have been listening to the HF bands for packet over the last few days not hearing any. Is it still in us? I have 2 PK-232's not in use for sometime now and will try to sell, give away or donate ...
r Even if the Automatic Antenna Tuner successfully normalizes the impedance presented to the radio, feedline losses will escalate rapidly with increasing SWR at the higher operating frequencies, especially 28 MHz. r Although high SWR itself does not cause feedline radiation, the sudden onset of ...
In cooperation with the FCC,illegal radios and amplifiers will be deleted from the system. This includes all uncertified HF amplifiers manufactured for use on CB frequencies -- even if they are disguised as ham radio amplifiers. Please see important information regarding...
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] HF packet still being used ??? To: Date: Saturday, September 4, 2010, 1:18 PM Sorry Dan your about one mouse click to late. I already gave it away to a good home. But my 2nd SCS TNC with pactor 3 is still up on the sel...
Well, I do have a cable lock, but it is seldom used. Instead, there is a very robust security system that includes 7 levels of sensors, opens voice and data links to my backpack during an alert, and even beacons latitude and longitude on ham packet frequencies if the Trimble GPS satelli...
? IF-frequencies ? Image rejection ? Audio output ?Transmitter TX-range 28-29.7 / 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Europe) 28-29.7 / 50-54 / 144-148 / 430-450 MHz (USA) Modulations FM N-FM RF-output High: 50/50/50/35 W, Mid1: 20/20/20/20 W, Mid2: 10/10/10/10 ...
Packet & FSK The packet filter bandwidth and AF input/output levels are fully selectable. You can adjust the ACC2 (PKD) input/output and ANO output levels. FSK features include selectable shift frequencies between 170, 200, 425 and 850 Hz. The KEY polarity and Hi/Low tones are switchable...
Sorry Dan your about one mouse click to late. I already gave it away to a good home. But my 2nd SCS TNC with pactor 3 is still up on the selling block. No longer need it since I pulled all the stuff out of the pick up truck. ...