Pacific Seafarers Ham 14.313 USB 0200Z Pacific BOATANCHORS NETS Boat Anchors -- Frequencies & Nets - Don't Miss This One Collins Collectors Association -- Four affliliated nets which meet weekly Swan Users Net -- Since 1989 - 2000 Members Vintage Amateur Radio Net Schedules NET FREQ DAY...
ALE was originally an expensive system for government services, but recent innovations in digital technology have brought the cost way down. The first organized amateur radio ALE nets began in 2001, corresponding with the release of the free PC-ALE software controller for ham radios. Several years...
ALE was originally an expensive system for government services, but recent innovations in digital technology have brought the cost way down. The first organized amateur radio ALE nets began in 2001, corresponding with the release of the free PC-ALE software controller for ham radios. Several years...
CW Beacons used to identify and locate drift nets used by fishermen 365 Posts 90 Topics Last postbyLooking-Glass inRe: DNB logs for Decembe... on December 14, 2024, 1130 UTC 22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons Loggings of HiFER Part 15 Beacons ...
CW Beacons used to identify and locate drift nets used by fishermen 365 Posts 90 Topics Last postbyLooking-Glass inRe: DNB logs for Decembe... on December 14, 2024, 1130 UTC 22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons Loggings of HiFER Part 15 Beacons ...
12 March 2013 - the radio is sounding on the HFN net. More tomorrow after it's collected some data. Settings (for sounding only, not for voice nets) Channel Group: 0 Channel List: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (the HFN frequencies in USB) ...
Having a IC-7300 certainly helped getting the IC-705 set up with memories filled with repeaters and HF Freqs for the nets and systems I’m a part of. Even better and quicker then my ID-5100 or the IC-7300. QRP does take a lot of patience and desire. Any issues with getting this ...
ALE was originally an expensive system for government services, but recent innovations in digital technology have brought the cost way down. The first organized amateur radio ALE nets began in 2001, corresponding with the release of the free PC-ALE software controller for ham radios. Several years...
CW Beacons used to identify and locate drift nets used by fishermen 365 Posts 90 Topics Last postbyLooking-Glass inRe: DNB logs for Decembe... on December 14, 2024, 1130 UTC 22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons Loggings of HiFER Part 15 Beacons ...
CW Beacons used to identify and locate drift nets used by fishermen 365 Posts 90 Topics Last postbyLooking-Glass inRe: DNB logs for Decembe... on December 14, 2024, 1130 UTC 22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons Loggings of HiFER Part 15 Beacons ...