This paper seeks to contribute to the recent academic study of WhatsApp, the instant messaging (IM) tool that enables people to communicate in a multimodal way mainly via their smartphones and which has impressively become a core form of communication in many social communities (Church & Oliveira...
HeyTaco 的所有可用安全性與合規性資訊、其數據處理原則、其Microsoft 雲端 App 安全性 應用程式目錄資訊,以及 CSA STAR 登錄中的安全性/合規性資訊。
"Hey there! I am using WhatsApp": A Preliminary Study of Recurrent Discursive Realisations in a Corpus of WhatsApp Statuses This paper seeks to contribute to the recent academic study of WhatsApp, the instant messaging (IM) tool that enables people to communicate in a multimodal... A Sánch...
在Teams 应用商店中查看 在AppSource 中查看一般信息 HeyTaco, LLC 向Microsoft提供的信息: 展开表 Information 响应 应用名称 HeyTaco ID WA200001346 支持的Office 365客户端 Microsoft Teams 合作伙伴公司名称 HeyTaco, LLC 公司网站 应用的使用条款 ...
Misskey - Decentralized app-like microblogging server/SNS for the Fediverse, using the ActivityPub protocol like GNU social and Mastodon. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 Nodejs/Docker Movim - Modern, federated social network based on XMPP, with a fully featured group-chat, subscriptions and microblogging. ...
I am still being ignored and nobody has asked me if Im ok after my operation! No surprise there but still hurts a lot. My aunt text me a couple of weeks ago saying she didnt have her car and could I take her to the shops so I said of course I can I won...
在Teams 应用商店中查看 在AppSource 中查看一般信息 HeyTaco, LLC 向Microsoft提供的信息: 展开表 Information 响应 应用名称 HeyTaco ID WA200001346 支持的Office 365客户端 Microsoft Teams 合作伙伴公司名称 HeyTaco, LLC 公司网站 应用的使用条款 ...