(芋头)What's in it:What's in it:What's in it:What's in it:milk,chocolate lemon, water,strawberry, banana mashed taro, apple black tea, bubble cheese, honey yogurt,ice-cream juice, milk, corn Sugar:★★★Sugar:★★★☆☆Sugar:★★★☆Sugar:★☆☆☆Fat:★★★☆☆Fat:★☆☆☆Fat...
blacktea,bubbleSugar:★★★Fat:★★★☆☆Price:¥15Warm/Cool Ingredients:lemon,water,honeySugar:★★★☆☆Fat:★☆☆☆Price:¥10Cool Ingredients:strawberry,yogurt,ice-creamSugar:★★★☆Fat:★★★☆☆☆Price:¥12Cool Ingredients:mashedtaro,milkSugar:★☆☆☆Fat:☆☆☆Price:¥19Warm...
芋圆奶茶Taro Bubble Tea 黑糖奶茶Brown Sugar Milk Tea 焦糖珍珠奶茶Caramel Bubble Milk Tea 脏脏抹茶味奶茶Dirty Matcha 实际上外面的情况是这样的 01 免费通行 toll-free passage A total of 108 million train trips areexpected to be made during thetravel rush. ...
(a spoken rhyme) which she lisped through the gap of her first-ever lost tooth. It was – I think – about a seafood buffet for afternoon tea (an interpretation largely confirmed by our Swiss German speaking hosts). Teddy, not to be outdone, started his song about trains shyly, but ...
We also know, with absolute certainty, that the damage can be turned around. Diet (omega 3, green tea extract, blueberry extract, reduced intake processed sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates), exercise (anything that increases heart rate), and meditation (such as a regularmindfulness practice) will...
Big Bubble TeaFresh Lemon TeaFruit Milk ShakeSoft Taro0Ingredients:milk,black tea,bubbleSugar:★★★Fat:★★★☆☆Price:¥15Warm/Cool(20)/(20)Ingredients:lemon,water,honeySugar:★★★☆☆Fat:★☆☆☆Price:¥10Cool②Ingredients:strawberry,yogurt,ice-creamSugar:★★★☆Fat:★★★☆☆☆Pric...
blacktea,bubbleSugar:★★★Fat:★★★☆☆Price:¥15Warm/Cool Ingredients:lemon,water,honeySugar:★★★☆☆Fat:★☆☆☆Price:¥10Cool Ingredients:strawberry,yogurt,ice-creamSugar:★★★☆Fat:★★★☆☆☆Price:¥12Cool Ingredients:mashedtaro,milkSugar:★☆☆☆Fat:☆☆☆Price:¥19Warm...
Sugar: ★★★☆ Fat: ★★★☆☆☆ Price: ¥12 Cool Ingredients: mashed taro, milk Sugar: ★☆☆☆ Fat: ☆☆☆ Price: ¥19 Warm Big Bubble Tea Fresh Lemon Tea Fruit Milk Shake Soft Taro GOOD NEWS! We have a big sale from December 1st to January 31st. The more you buy, the...
Sugar:★★★☆☆ Fat:★☆☆☆ Price:¥10 Cool Ingredients: strawberry, yogurt, ice﹣cream Sugar:★★★☆ Fat:★★★☆☆☆ Price:¥12 Cool Ingredients: mashed taro, milk Sugar:★☆☆☆ Fat:☆☆☆ Price:¥19 Warm Big Bubble Tea Fresh Lemon Tea Fruit Milk Shake Soft Taro GOOD...
Sugar: ★★★☆☆ Fat: ★☆☆☆ Price: ¥10 Cool Ingredients: strawberry, yogurt, ice-cream Sugar: ★★★☆ Fat: ★★★☆☆☆ Price: ¥12 Cool Ingredients: mashed taro, milk Sugar: ★☆☆☆ Fat: ☆☆☆ Price: ¥19 Warm Big Bubble Tea Fresh Lemon Tea Fruit Milk Shake ...