那段经历也让Verònica从中获得了成长,“归根结底,Hey Studio是一个小工作室。它不像一个大的公司,会成长并成长为多个团队,”Verònica 概述道。“我很快意识到每个人正在他们的人生旅途中,我无法控制。所以现在当有人开始他们的下一次冒险时,我会感到很高兴。” UNIQLO Barcelona Store 2018 Verònica 给打算独立的...
最著名的欧洲设计机构之一 Hey出版了新书 Counter-Print已经与Hey Studio in Barcelona合作出版了他们的新书。作为近年来最具创新性和最著名的欧洲设计机构之一,Hey 能够在各种媒介和领域工作,将平面设计和插画领域无缝地结合在一起。 书中的作品和附带的文本,涵盖了Monocle、Paypal、诺基亚和优衣库等客户,以及促销广告和...
ArtFad is a contemporary arts and crafts award ceremony held in Barcelona. Spanish design studioHeycreated this incredibly colorful identity for the event, including a transparent and fluorescent methacrylate diploma. They produced 500 handcrafted invitations by sticking colored triangles one by one to ...
As though it’s been carved out of digital stone, the typeface is lofty, but the delicate touches between the feet and arms of the letters give it grace and prevent it from becoming clunky and overbearing. The greyscale palette the Barcelona-based studio has applied also allows the type to...
Relocating to Barcelona, Hey is currently developing a party brand series titled, "Memories," which European fans can be on the lookout for in Winter . # SUPPORT | PartySòn # 身兼DJ, 推广者, 电台Dance with colored shadows的主持人的乌克兰音乐人PartySon,从小就受到音乐的熏陶,12岁开始写歌。除...
Relocating to Barcelona, Hey is currently developing a party brand series titled, "Memories," which European fans can be on the lookout for in Winter . # SUPPORT | PartySòn # 身兼DJ, 推广者, 电台Dance with colored shadows的主持人的乌克兰音乐人PartySon,从小就受到音乐的熏陶,12岁开始写歌。除...