如题,现在叫Siri播放音乐直接从网易云播放了,怎么改回用Apple Music播放?太烦了啊 求大神解答! 点击展开,查看完整图片 婆娘贼嚣张 铁杆会员 9 卸载网印云 咖啡加点糖 初级粉丝 1 同问! Cyan慵归 中级粉丝 2 叫Siri从Apple music播放就好了 许逸阳 铁杆会员 9 我也想看看先删网易的结果 贴吧用户...
直接Hey Siri 就能播音樂 因為有訂閱YouTube Premium 的關係,一直以來我都是直接用YouTube music 來聽音樂,沒有再額外訂閱Apple Music、KKBOX、Spotify…等其他的音樂串流服務。但是當我要用HomePod、HomePod mini播音樂時都會遇到個小困擾,就是沒辦法用Hey Siri 的方式讓智慧音箱直接聲控播放,而是還要多個步驟,先在i...
Macscan also listen for "Hey Siri," but only in models released in 2018 or later for MacBooks and in 2020 or later for iMacs. The toggle is in the same location, but this time in System Preferences. The option for "Siri" or "Hey Siri" requires Apple Silicon. HomePod,HomePod m...
What to do if the wrong device responds to your “Hey Siri” request most of the time Recently, I was listening to music on my HomePod andwanted to pause it. So, I said, “Hey Siri, pause.” However, Siri on my iPhone (kept on my table) responded and not my HomePod (kept at ...
Hey siri, play some music for me. Alright, here is some music picked just for you.
我:Hey siri, play some musicSiri: û收藏 转发 3 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...查看更多 a 190关注 77粉丝 233微博 微关系 她的关注(189) 我与老公的日常 pepa111 吴磊LEO 吴越雄同学 她的粉丝(77) 不看五月天線下...
11月7日,科技记者Mark Gurman在最新的通讯栏目中提到,苹果正在考虑为语音助手Siri提供更多功能,同时将语音唤醒指令从“Hey!Siri”简化至“Siri”,使用户获得快速的帮助。据悉,Siri是苹果公司在2016年推出的语音识别接口系统,协助用户通过语音实现拨打电话、播放音乐等功能。
I've managed to replicate the issue, even with all my music local, and I have some theories. When this happens, the Siri UI DOES NOT GO AWAY. Even if the new song shows up, paused, I can hit play, and hear the song, and the Siri UI (lightshow, speech box) still sits there....
据报道,这项改变将使Siri更接近亚马逊的语音助手Alexa,后者只需在命令开头说"Alexa"就可以唤醒。古尔曼还表示,苹果正在努力让Siri与第三方应用进行更深入的集成,以利用更多的上下文信息,从而提供更好的协助。 此外,据传苹果的混合现实头显将具备语音控制功能,因此改进Siri的性能可能与新设备的发布相辅相成。