B: But, hey, it’s my vacation! See also: hey Hey! interj. hello. (Colloquial. A standard greeting in much of the South, and now heard everywhere.) Hey, Walter. How are you? Hey, bum! interj. hello. Hey, bum! So good to see your smiling face. McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of...
I never paid this much attention until my dad mentioned today that it’s never sounded right to him when people say “hey” instead of “hi” or “hello”. I’ve been using it this way for at least 20 years, but I looked it up in various dictionaries an
help me say help me with my maths help more people help myself help the help partners succeed help prevent theft help sb do sthhelp sb help sba lot in learn help sbwith help shed weight help the others who n help the poor people help them with their help to complete a th help us ...
Hi!你好!/嗨! Hello!你好! Hey!你好!/嘿! Hey there!你好! Yo!嗨!(俚语) Yo, G!嗨,哥们!(俚语) Howdy!你好!(方言) Good morning.早上好。(0—12:00am) morning.早上好。 Good afternoon.下午好。(12:00—5:00pm) Afternoon.下午好。 Good evening.晚上好。(5:00pm—0) Evening.晚上好。 一般...
Should young Mary Queen marry to who? Who is her friend, who is his enemy? Mary both beautiful and intelligent, she deeply loves the life, likes take risking, also deeply loves the people.Perhaps, she loves the human too were many.The people said she “also is crazy also is bad, knew...
Whether or not you have a teen who is using, it is very likely that your child will be directly or indirectly exposed to drugs at some point throughout their adolescence. There are a few ways this could happen. They could be offered by a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger, they ...
262.I Gave My Wedding Dress Away 263.Makin' Believe 264.It Wasn't God Who Made Honky-Tonk Angels 265.I Wake Up in the Morning Feeling Fine_3 266.Lazy Tiber 267.A brazilian dream-1 268.At the brazilian cafe-1 269.Bossa do mar-1 270.Night over Rio-1 271.Samba dance-1 272.Sempre...
-- You're my friend! B. -- Hello, Jenny. How are you? -- I'm fine, thanks. C. -- He's my brother. D. -- Hey, Tony. E. -- Who's she? -- She's my mother. F. -- Who's he? -- He's my father. 1. (___)2. (___) 3. (___) 4. (___) 5. (___)...